
All the trekkies I knew preferred TNG, and eventually abandoned DS9, like I did.

I assume Rowan's going to cover the Gathering in depth tomorrow, even though he probably won't recommend it for newbies.  My next guess is that he'll post a guide for S1 so that they know what eps to skip.  *cough* TKO *cough*

I assume Rowan's going to cover the Gathering in depth tomorrow, even though he probably won't recommend it for newbies.  My next guess is that he'll post a guide for S1 so that they know what eps to skip.  *cough* TKO *cough*

At the White Sox game last Saturday, there was a Cubs fan seated near me who came explicitly to annoy sox fans, wearing the jersey of the team we were playing, the Cleveland Indians.  Made no sense to me at all.  I hate the Cubs, and them losing all the time gives me a good laugh, but I would never go to Wrigley just

At the White Sox game last Saturday, there was a Cubs fan seated near me who came explicitly to annoy sox fans, wearing the jersey of the team we were playing, the Cleveland Indians.  Made no sense to me at all.  I hate the Cubs, and them losing all the time gives me a good laugh, but I would never go to Wrigley just

Exactly.  It consoles me greatly that others think that stuff is as stupid as I think it is.

Exactly.  It consoles me greatly that others think that stuff is as stupid as I think it is.

"take a drink every time the words "five miles long" are uttered!"

"take a drink every time the words "five miles long" are uttered!"

I miss Pierce Brosnan damn it!

I miss Pierce Brosnan damn it!

And Robot Chicken.

And Robot Chicken.

The Epitaph eps are the only ones that come to mind as something worth coming back to to evaluate.

The Epitaph eps are the only ones that come to mind as something worth coming back to to evaluate.

Hmm, interesting take.  Never thought of that before.

Hmm, interesting take.  Never thought of that before.

Probably 5..3, 2, 1…….4

Probably 5..3, 2, 1…….4