

I'm feeling grief…I can't seem to control it.

I'm feeling grief…I can't seem to control it.

Ditto!  As I've said before, Angel is just a more adult show.  NFA is just so damn emotional and satisfying, and filled with awesome quotes.  This entire last run of Angel is just chock full of great quotes, and is non-stop awesome.

Ditto!  As I've said before, Angel is just a more adult show.  NFA is just so damn emotional and satisfying, and filled with awesome quotes.  This entire last run of Angel is just chock full of great quotes, and is non-stop awesome.

I wish to do more violence.

I wish to do more violence.

Might be a function of adapting these stories from TNG drafts, if that was the case.  When the stories were originally conceived, they were beaming down from the Enterprise, leaving 1,000 or so others to deal with the running of the ship.

Might be a function of adapting these stories from TNG drafts, if that was the case.  When the stories were originally conceived, they were beaming down from the Enterprise, leaving 1,000 or so others to deal with the running of the ship.

Odo often appears to constitute the entire security staff.  It's like he has no deputies at all.  Wouldn't one of them take charge in his absence, not Kira?  I imagine she has other, XO-related responsibilities to deal with.

Odo often appears to constitute the entire security staff.  It's like he has no deputies at all.  Wouldn't one of them take charge in his absence, not Kira?  I imagine she has other, XO-related responsibilities to deal with.

Well said Murc.  In spite of the presence of the wormhole and characters always saying how busy it is, DS9 did not really seem like a busy port.  They kept saying how important the wormhole is, but except for a few episodes in the early seasons, it's mostly forgotten (SPOILERS: and then becomes defined solely by the

Well said Murc.  In spite of the presence of the wormhole and characters always saying how busy it is, DS9 did not really seem like a busy port.  They kept saying how important the wormhole is, but except for a few episodes in the early seasons, it's mostly forgotten (SPOILERS: and then becomes defined solely by the

80s sunglasses with those bright neon colors….oh man….

80s sunglasses with those bright neon colors….oh man….

Doc Shades rules.

Doc Shades rules.

Yeah, it sucks, but is true.  Buffy's finale was able to at least garner a few news articles/blurbs.  I don't think anyone besides the fanbase was aware of the Angel finale.

Yeah, it sucks, but is true.  Buffy's finale was able to at least garner a few news articles/blurbs.  I don't think anyone besides the fanbase was aware of the Angel finale.

As I've said before, one of my favorite moments in television.