
Michael, here's a few stories I was able to pull in a matter of minutes.  It's amazing what you find out when you don't limit yourself to just one side's news sources - you might find that both the Tea Party & the Occupy movements are full of wackos:

Yep, the point is there's wackos in both movements.

In more important news: Conan will be in Chicago next month.

Yes, because telling people to kill cops is not radical at all, but perfectly reasonable.

But God Bless those Occupiers who keep throwing urine and feces down public stairwells!

I heard Mitt pulled a girl's hair in the 2nd grade.  What a monster!

Why can't there be a third way?

At least he doesn't speak cryptically like Kosh. As a Russian, you should know that it could always be worse.

Without a doubt.  This final run of episodes is one of my favorite moments in television, ever.

I enjoyed that interview, especially that yoga.  Plus, Joel McHale!

I think this really started with Elena's vamp mother being able to easily beat up Damon.  That was ridiculous that she had little difficulty as a one year old vampire in defeating a 100+ year old vamp.  Since then, it's been pretty silly in terms of consistency.

True, very true.

To be fair, the twist in Shutter Island, is pretty obvious, just like how it was in this episode.

Already shut.

Someone stating in this episode that Abed needed psychiatric help really mollified my concerns with how disturbed they've been making Abed.

I've been shitting on this show since the depressing christmas episode in S2, but this episode restored my faith.

The continual switching from Little Dude back to Susie really demonstrated how striking Thayer is.  The removal of that disturbing makeup was always welcome in this ep…

Kevin needs to watch more Futurama!

Not nearly, we're probably not pathetic at all.  At least we have a recent championship, and Dunn is actually hitting well now!  So, we can all collectively laugh at Pujols' adjustment to the American League instead!

Cumberbatch would probably be best as Lord Garth of Izar.  The British accent would fit with the character's appearance in Whom Gods Destroy.