
There's more dark matter than we thought!

The universe, it's expanding!

I concede that Khan being played by a white guy is extremely odd, but there appears to be Klingons playing a major role in the film, which the reboot desperately needed.  I just hope it's Kor.

As a kid, Fright Night was a great movie to stumble upon while flipping the channels.  Plus, vampires.

Damn it, when is Viva Variety going to get a dvd release already?  I missed it the first time around and would like to see it, as a longtime State fan.

I love finding other Robot Chicken fans on these boards.

I'm always a sucker for uniforms and gadgets.

That's My Bush!

Wow, I'm surprised this carried on over the weekend.  I thought it was done on Thursday or Friday.

I really miss Elijah.  He better have a cameo in the finale next week.

Alcohol, paint fumes, and blood loss, what a combo!

Death to feminazis!!!

That's funny directed at Zack, considering his constant complaining about misogyny on the show Supernatural.

The lesson is clear: Bajorans suck at land management.

Other Benjamin certainly took precedence in that situation.  Ethics be damned, Sisko wants to get laid!

The whole decision making process really seemed rushed.  Perhaps if they went through the discussion of the issues over a longer length of time than just a couple of days they could have reached a reasonable compromise.  I mean, Haneek's rebuttal to the decline of sanctuary brought up some good points, which appear to

The Skrreeans are certainly too insistent about the whole thing.  I tend to like the concept of two peoples coming together to improve each other though, so I do sort of see this as a lost opportunity for Bajor.

Um, the Boondocks hasn't been cancelled.  Like Venture Bros., it just has long hiatuses between seasons…

It's certainly hard to remember the show gets coverage, when the show is constantly on hiatus…

That's what happens when you're an asshole towards everyone except Conan O'Brien.