Eric Clapham-Lee

The 'Destiny' stuff makes me edgy. Not that it isn't as perfectly cromulent a way to solve a plot problem as the suitable application of Handwavium, but that they've spent three seasons making this a science-fiction series. Suddenly introducing the supernatural (in the most literal sense of that word) seems like a

I had some problems with the writing in this episode in a few places. It seemed much blunter than many Fringe episodes tend to be. I'm thinking especially of the scene where Suicide Girls is talking to Sister Expositia in the church. I understand the need to get the information across, but having the nun bring the

He does rather look like he's about to evolve into a Super-Saiyan doesn't he?

I'm afraid we have to veto your suggestion, Asbestos (though I do love your work in schools and hospitals across the land). Chef Ramsey would be a bad fit on several levels. First, he's all about Chef Ramsey, and I don't think he'd be a particularly good team player as part of a judging panel on a regular basis.

Vocabulary Builder
Ms. Withrow, I have a word to suggest to you after reading only the first paragraph (i.e., this is in no way a reaction to the review itself). There is a specific word for 'Third-to-last', and that is 'antepenultimate'. Its a personal favorite of the minion who does my typing and one that doesn't

Lexicondevil - You are mostly right, but please consider taking back that bit about Samurai Champloo. I'm not much of a hip-hop fan, and I loved that show. It's not as good as Cowboy Beebop, but that's like saying Godfather isn't as good as Godfather II.

You're saying the new SM:TOTD play is pants? Who'd have guessed based on the slim evidence we've seen so far?

It seems a shame you don't have access to the Internet, Mr. Kinsey. I've heard most things can be found there with some persistence.

Oh, you say that like being dead has ever stopped anyone.

I submit that while Mr. Perlman has been in some clunkers, I do not find him to be the cause in any cases I can think of (as long as Nemisis didn't really happen, right?).

So far, the only time travelers I've seen any evidence of are those of us doing it the long way.

Alsace may be in France today, but I recall a time when it was part of Germany. Myself and several of my associates were involved in a bit of a to-do in Europe over that one some years ago now.
It's a bit of an odd area, with strong influences from both sides of the Rhine as is fitting with its colourful past.

I can't not comment on a Lovecraft article, right…

Why wish that on such a beloved monster? What has Cookie Monster ever done to you?

Once you admit to owning a bindle, your credibility had already taken a big hit no matter how you lost it.

He lives in Florida, isn't that bad enough?