Migraine Boy

"And Automatic For The People is fucking brilliant"

As a mid 40's dude going through a staggering heartbreak right now, harboring stupid Hollywood fantasy scenes of reunion, this damn scene hits home. Shit.

"Soup Sucks Ass!!"

It's really just….I just can't…..

"Mild depression fading with time, since, as a fan of Georgia sports teams, you are well used to it."

Fuck you too, then, motherucker

We actually had more fans at our games by percentage than New England

Yeah dude, Don't be cruel!

Roast chicken is delicious, but this is one dish I've kind of ceded to the grocery store. For 5-6 bucks, the average rotisserie chicken you can get at almost any grocer is probably better than what I can do, saves hours, and usually is cheaper in the long run

It's hard to properly evaluate the run of GUP-> HYF because of the tepid 80's production. Songs are all solid, but the results sound "tinny". Synths were all over Signals, but for some reason that album (though it was 82) sounds "beefier"

I am a nig HYF fan and think it's the most under appreciated record. Yeah, it's awash in synths, but the songs are solid.

Sure he did! He went:

Yes, that's what I meant by "byline"

Yeah, people are kind of ignoring her twitter bullshit or, more likely, don't know about it. She's no paragon of virtue or innocent twitter-er.

As soon as I saw the pic, I knew who one of the writers was

Same here. Natural Science may be not just their best deep cut but their best song period.

Glad *someone* remembered the DBT album this year….the AV Club proper sure didn't

The movie Sing Street. No doubt.


Bob Welsh! I love "Ebony Eyes"; it's probably my very favorite AM Gold song