Migraine Boy

No offense, but how old are you?

I still don't know what I was missing on Togetherness. Granted, I didn't watch the second season, but the first was awful; completely hacky with wholly unlikeable lead characters.

And why was Fat Joey so scared of a bar-wielding Daryl when it turns out he had a gun on him?

The last few years or so my Summer reading has been a classic that I've never read. This past summer it was Wuthering Heights.

Never noticed that the name on the victim's cup is "Rob L"

The soundtrack to that film has been added to my heavy rotation. I love how the film's songs echo the progression of music in the early 80's, some based on what the boys discover themselves

"Sarah Paulson was about as zany as Sylvia Plath"

"Crazy Christians"!! Amirite? LOL!!11!

I 'member seeing Arcade Fire on SNL right before Neon Bible came out. At the time I was wondering if Funeral was just going to be an all-timer one album wonder, but the SECOND they hit the fist note of "Intervention" I knew they were legit and here to stay

Yeah I kinda rediscovered "Battle of Evermore" after a long Zep break, now it may be my favorite song of theirs.

I mentioned this on a similar Q & A, but the last verse when the music goes up a key and Regine just screams "THEY HEARD ME SINGING AND THEY TOLD ME TO STOP" just gives me chills all over, every single time.

That song gets better but also more depressing the older one gets

I just saw Jason Isbell last night and cried real tears during "24 Frames" and then again during "Elephant". That's never happened before.

Rush is my all-time favorite band, but strangely I never get tired of them. I mean, ever. Every time I hear the intro to Spirit of Radio I get chills just like it was the first time.

The soaring harmony right after the little guitar breakā€¦.that's where it gives me chills

Man, George Michael's performance of that at the Mercury tribute was just fantastic

Too broadway, in the worst ways

I think I remember reading once that Tarintino almost picked "My Sharona" for the rape scene of Butch and Marcellus in Pulp Fiction because it had a great "sodomy beat"

They ignore just about every album now, so don't be too disappointed

Yes, they can be problematic (oy), but Harris was translating as authentically as he could from the source - the slaves themselves.