Migraine Boy

This has to be one of the last movies with the "In a world……" style narrative trailers.

"Hold the Line" has the most sealthily-awesome guitar solo ever. Seriously, give it your attention next time you hear it.

I'm a huge Suede fan and I think they never get their proper due as an alt / britpop / what-have-you band.

I mentioned this in another thread once, but man…there's never been such a marked drop off in quality in music in a decade like the 90's

"You're a mean one, Saucy Jack!"

Why is America #1?

Yeah, surprised any mention of "Where is my Mind?" is this far down. My first thought too

Is this the place to say how disappointed I was by Everybody Wants Some?

Baby got an atom BOMB

I remember Letterman having a running joke with that for a while, randomly playing it during his broadcast.

I've read the comics but it's been a while…

Closest for sure. Love that movie. But is was 19-freaking-81

Except Arthur was never raised "in the streets". He was an orphan and a ward to a knight with a proper castle. Ugggggh

If you think I'm just gonna sit here and let someone take shots at Krull without reprisal, well, you got another think comin', sir

Seriously. I'm an Arthurian nut. They are some of the greatest stories ever told and the inspiration for hundreds more. The fucking stories are already sitting there, just waiting to be an ongoing franchise.

Is someone *finally* going to get the Authurian legends right ?

"Hope" ;)

Boy, if Rush broke up after TFE and Neil's family tradegies it would be the most depressing band ending ever

"And sometimes when you're on - you're really FUCKIN' on"

Great choice indeed, but "With Arms Outstretched" gets my Anthem vote