Migraine Boy

"You're the Indian in the cougar's nest" is one of the strangest but most stark images I've ever heard in a song

RKives is incredible - maybe the best B-side / unreleased album I've ever heard. "It'll Get You There" is one of my top 5 RK songs, actually

My God, "Does He Love You" straight up gives me chills every time I listen to it.

I'm a 44 year old, hetero father of three and I wouldn't think twice about it.

S1 was awesome, but Fargo S2 is one of the best seasons of TV I've ever seen

I can't be the only one crushing on Emily, can I?

She herself said she had no idea she'd add to Ruiz's time and probably wouldn't have turned her in if she knew that was the outcome. She thought it would be a few days in the SHU at most

Yeah, you are,

I have a hard time believing it was just the how. I'm sure that contributed, but maybe about 20%

Oh, right, that is kinda funny.

As I mentioned, not a Braves fan at all. I'm enjoying the shitshow of the new stadium

Fair Waring: I haven't read all 900+ comments yet, so apologies if I'm repeating something akin to my rant…

I had to eat my words. I'm a HUGE Batman fan and I laughed along with the rest of the world when it was announced. But he was a GREAT Bruce, and the sequence where Bats rescues Martha Clark is the Batman I've been waiting to see for years

Did we ever get a review / discussion of the new Band of Horses album from a couple weeks back?

I actually thought Batfleck was the best part of BvS, and really the best Batman ever on the big screen

"In her satin tights
Fighting for our rights"

Yep. There was one here in Athens which was a huge deal at the time because of the Herschel connection. He was - and is still, really - a God-like figure in this state.


"Lots of respectable people been hit by trains"