Migraine Boy


So, why does Sansa not tell Jon, "Oh, BTW, the ENTIRE FUCKING VALE ARMY may be coming"

Yeah, as a father of three, the details of the dad cutting himself wresting the gator for his little boy kind of make my mind go blank if I think of myself in that situation

When I first started teaching 20 some years ago, one class I taught was for particularly troubled kids who were behind academically. We tried to pick "high interest" books for them to read, so one I would teach was Killing Mr. Griffin

There's so many great comic book in-jokes though. My kids and I can watch and enjoy for different reasons

Not even close, IMO. The article you linked has lots of things listed as "intentions" , "threats", "displacement" and the like. Not to mention death totals that together hardly even equal one 9/11

Can you name me some recent bombings, mass murders, shootings, etc committed in the name of (radical) Christianity?

Dang, we're banning comments on here now?

As I said in yesterday's thread, it's crazy how liberals (and yes, I consider myself one) bend over backwards to excuse a self-avowed homophobic and misogynist religion.

An honest thanks for that answer, because I didn't know much about it. From what I could find, though, Uganda isn't an official Christian theocracy, and it seems that they voted overturned an Anti-Homosexual Act

As soon as you can point me to a modern Christian theocracy that criminally punishes homosexuality (sometimes by death) then we can talk moral equivalency

Amen, and well said.

I actually found some EW & DG porn once.

I was surprised there wasn't a resolution to the Mail Robot tape dropoff. It may have provided this finale with some sorely needed action and raised the stakes a little more.

Dang. Watching that New Year's Eve intro, it struck me that the 50's were closer to Night Flight than Night Flight is to now.

Kinda like how the last verse of "Subdivisions" "sub"verts all that came before it.

It's about time to get to the fireworks factory


Isn't it "you're the best, AROUND…."?

Used to have more Jennings lovin' too.