Migraine Boy

Fuck Bodie.

Fair enough. If they had cut Wasted Hours and Deep Blue it'd rival Funeral for the top spot

Man, but not "Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)"? When Regine sings that last verse in the next key up , I get chills every. single. time.

Taking out every single dream sequence would have done this movie a world of good.

Exactly. I thought it was a pretty decent beat and think it's getting a lot of shit, especially with this reductive, "Uhhhhh they stopped fighting because their moms were named Martha" meme-ish thing

Yeah me too. Boy, Mirage Rock was kinda painful

It was hard to explain to my partner my "YES!!" and fist pump after seeing it.



Ha! He does say, "Good luck, red" or something like that, though.

I remember way back in the day an MTV show that was basically (a pre Daily Show) Jon Stewart, Jeanine Garafalo and Chris Kattan taking down videos, MST3K style. They were particularly harsh on "Separate Ways" ("Gentlemen, collars UP!")

Love this one, but honestly I greatly prefer the Tracks version over the album version…

Jesus that kills me.

Even though I'm a UUUGE Cohen Brothers fan, I have to say The Big Lebowski falls flat for me. Never seen what anyone else sees in it, and I just keep my mouth shut when people bring it up now to avoid an argument.

I love every minute of this staged cheesiness. LOVE IT


Well, he's about to be King fucking Arthur, so he better learn quickly

It's got to be better than The Bastard Executioner.

Even as an Athens native (and still a current resident), I've never been into them as I'm "supposed" to be.

Watching the recent House of Cards season should renew it. It did for me…