Migraine Boy

Wow, that's seriously cool.

As an Xer, I see that self titled album is kind of an interesting phenomenon. Somehow or another that record made its way into everyone's rotation in the 80's despite it never being popular on the radio. It crossed all social lines too, and you liked it no matter what type of music you were into. It's like it traveled

It was fucking awesome. I actually got chills when it lead right into the credits after the song's intro, and I've heard "War Pigs" a million times

Someone out there has a good Spotify playlist of this season. Just search "Fargo Season 2 OST"

Man, Garth Brooks did a pretty damn passable version of that on an early 90's KISS tribute album. It's pretty great, actually

Hannah-Barbara made such trash cartoons. I hated em as a kid

Yeah. I'm a kid of the 70's (born in '72) and for a generation that's used to access to any media at any time it's hard to describe how exciting something like this was.

I don't know man. When I finally got around to watching a couple years ago, I liked it, but didn't LOVE it.

So, 20 years later, Olyphant STILL has a perfect chest and abs?

Damn right…when I heard those lines I knew what was coming next, and the absolute, full-circle perfection of it made me tear up before he even said it.

"Hard to Say" FTW

Yeah, that's the scene where I lost it. I don't think I got through any FNL episode without my eyes welling up, but I full on cried two or three times and this part was one of them.

Nice. That's the song that actually got me into Big Star

Do you remember when we were in Africa?

"South Americaaaaa!*
//twirls around pole
///runs in place in high top sneakers

Tae me to da place I LUUUUUUBBBBBBB

Smile, Direct Line to the Telepathic, Coke, Smile, Execution by Christmas Lights….them guys wasn't half bad

I'm glad you remembered Bands on the Run. I loved that show and was really surprised it didn't get another season

The damn "Yip yip yip" aliens freaked me right the fuck out as a kid. Still don't like them as a grown-ass man

Thanks. But aren't Peggy and Ed in Fargo too? What the hell was she doing in Minnesota?