Migraine Boy

Help me out here a second…

Aw man….why didn't we get a review on last week's USC episode? I was looking forward to that discussion

Oh man I love this film. I've been a high school English teacher for 20 years, and the Agincourt speech is what I use to introduce Shakespeare to kids and highlight the difference between the page and the stage.

I HATED Justified's. That's got to be the highest inverse ratio of show / theme quality in history

I kept thinking the "Dallas" theme in my head until I re-listened

Well, YOU can do whatever you want, but I'm not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth "99 Red Balloons" by Seven Seconds!

A few random things:

Yeah, it's been mentioned like 2000 times.

Can someone clarify why Glenn, Heath and that dude had to clear out the tractor place? I was a little confused when they did it and then….ran away

True. When I was little I'd go to the record store (yeah, I'm 43) and was fascinated by just browsing through the metal titles.

I couldn't finish it. I'm out.

My Gosh, thank you. I know it's "funny", but I've never seemed to get the Brooks films like other folks do (especially Spaceballs, as a matter of fact)

It seems to me like you're the EGGspert, useless beauty!

"All right….be an asshole" has always stuck with me, for some reason

That's on Magic. I think Magic is great.

Right - I've also heard that humans find strange, unnatural movements scary for the same reason, and that masks are also creepy because we unconsciously read faces for communication and are unable to.

He ain't lyin about that "Tom Joad" version on High Hopes. I'm not even a big Morello fan but he slays that song.

Liked the first, but not the second. They actually introduced some interesting stakes with the assistant possibly seducing Russ, then immediately resolved it by the end of the episode, complete with hacky sitcom stuff like a drunk Russ stepping in for the lead and AJ looking at Abby saying lines from his play. Ugh.

The college football world at large is still kinda WTF with you guys letting Solich go I think. Hopefully Riley works out for you and isn't another Callahan disaster

This is a terrible video of it, but it's all I could find for now