Migraine Boy

No shame there. "Decoy" is an all-timer

God bless ya, Justified, for the Waffle House and Elmer T Lee bourbon shout outs

Awesomely, this is the third separate Simpons reference in this thread

It's definitely a weird hang up of mine, but that may be my least favorite word in the English language. I NEVER say it.

Yeah, it was a little tropey, but damn if Jess' "double guns" response didn't kill me

Here's a great summation from Every Day Should Be Saturday, the greatest and most literate sports blog on these internets

You jest, but I've seen that theorized more than once

And Steve Vai, if 80's movies ever taught me anything

“The Devil went down to Georgia / He was looking for a soul to steal,” sings Daniels, and he does so with the ingrained distaste for the conniving Yankee that was once the white Southerner’s birthright.

Eh….sometimes he tried too much to be the "cool Dad" and side with his daughters over his wife.

But only if you're ready for the Sex Girls

I actually think "Wasting Light" is up there with the first couple

"They all live together on Avenue A…."

Not me. It's one of the few that I haven't gotten tired of. Part of the fun is that my young kids love it too.

I don't even HAVE a car radio

Exactly. I was scrolling the comments to see if anyone noticed this before chiming in with it.


I'm a little late here, but I finally listened today and was REALLY surprised at how much I liked it. I'm a gushing fanboy , so grain of salt and all that.

"Yeah, I was sitting here, eating my muffin and drinking my coffee and replaying the incident in my head, when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity."

You guys are, at best, fourth on our (UGA's) list