Migraine Boy

Ummm…somewhere there's a gif of Jess' last little seductive move, right?

Just be glad it wasn't Dave Marsh

God as my witness, I was completely unspoiled going into this about the sci fi stuff. I was really enjoying the buddy comedy and was completely blindsided by the first fight with the teens in the bathroom.

Seems like Boyd and Raylan are two different shows now, though. I understand why, on account of Goggon's awesomeness.

I'm telling you this as a Georgian…a North Florida / panhandle redneck is a frightening thing. They nailed the setting just about perfectly.
In fact, apart from the coasts and major cities, Florida can be super scary. Lots of people have the wrong impression of geriatrics and snowbird Yankees

Dude…watch it with the "Another Auld Lang Syne" stuff, lest you get knocked in the mouth…

Hootie's version of "The Christmas Song" is great too.

It didn't feel like Christmas until I saw their "Santa Claus: The man, the myth…the slam dancer" commercial

Close - both involve Saracen though:

When she gave that huge smile after entering the house, she may as well have followed that with "Now I can finally retire!"

The Goldfinch is next up for me after I finish this Springsteen biography.

"First thing we are gonna do is we are going to acknowledge that this guy is awesome!"

I think that picture just impregnated me.

I like "The Wire", but is completely ripping off The Eagles' "Heartache Tonight" a winking homage or outright thievery?

Night Still Comes - Neko Case

You ever seen "You're Gonna Miss Me", the doc on him?

The band joked about it too on a trailer that showed after the "Time Machine" tour (with the Rudd and Segal "I Love You Man" guys making a cameo, even)

Didn't realize how much I liked and missed this show until the season two promos started up the last couple weeks.

"Crash Years" - New Pornographers
"Young Folks" - those guys that sang that song

The EPIC xylophone solo in "Moonlight, Feels Right"