Migraine Boy

Of course, she chose this guy to marry too…it's as much her fault as his.

"Yeah, what is this ungrateful harpy doing, expecting her life partner to contribute in some way to her happiness rather than treating her like a favored domestic servant?"
If you are wanting your spouse to be responsible for your happiness, that's a fast trip to an unhappy life.

I just heard this on the radio yesterday, and I was reminded how much I fucking hate this song.

I always like the "dated guitar solo" argument.

Trujillo is awesome and I was really happy for him hitting the "big time". He deserves it and it was touching to see him show real appreciation and emotion.

Ahem, it's a LASER show, sir.

Nice Terrapin Beer shout out. When Carl tips over the table in the cafe, there's a six pack holder of Athens, Georgia's finest brew !

I still steadfastly believe that she came to her senses and NEVER became a deadhead

Another nice 80's touch (besides the already mentioned Doug Henning reference) was Jo for the Facts of Life on the cover of her teen magazine. I LOLed

I do too.

The song "Sound of the Life of the Mind" is a gem…classic Ben Folds Five right there

I catch the faintest hint of "Nobody Does It Better" there in the beginning. Just a whiff.

Wasn't there a big deal about her making a bitch face during the Golden Globes? Maybe they were trying to catch her again and she knew it, so she was overenthusiastic to compensate.

I always thought "gentle" wolves, and I loved that juxtaposition (and I always assumed she's describing the "thug" kids - their media / public perception vs reality)

Yeah, that long note to end "The Suburbs" leading into the guitar riff of "Ready to Start" gives me chills every time, without fail

Kelly Hogan FTmf'nW!

I agree. All jokes aside, it's hard to believe there will be no more of the WWII generation in 5-10 years. Huge loss, IMO

Seconded on No!

"That Hollywood sheen as you call it is so incredibly detrimental to modern horror movies."
Yep. That's why 70's horror movies seem so much scarier to me

LOL newspaper show times.