
So is this a movie where the humor comes from specific jokes, or is the weirdness and absurdity supposed to just sort of coalesce into humor? What I mean is, are you supposed to accept that two people spent a billion dollars on 3 minutes of film and that BLOWS YOUR MIND, or do they have actual jokes that strung

I'm thinking I'll be glad this exists, for art's sake and pushing boundaries and all that stuff that society needs to stay healthy, but will make sure to never see a single second of it if at all possible.

That's the whole reason the networks pay billions for the NFL package - to whore out their own crappy shows. So the next time you get offended that some second-string cornerback is making $5 million this year for appearing in 11 games, the true cause is network accountants who did the math and realized it's worth it

But that's probably the point and the problem. Joe Douchebag likes the idea of ass-kicking waifs precisely because it's so clearly fake and he can pretend to have it both ways (women being tough but still, not really). But a woman who presents an actual, realistic physical threat is terrifying and threatening and the

Kinda chilling though - what is people payed attention to every bill written by people with only passing familiarity of the topic and forced to rely on professional lobbyists? So much for democracy!

When I was young and depressed, I'd play solitaire, with Girlfriend In A Coma on infinite repeat. Since I wouldn't cheat, sometimes it could go on for 2 hours or more. I don't play the Smiths much anymore, but now they remind me of a younger, more awful time and I become wistful.

They'll never be able to hit every site, as they're always a few steps behind, but they can make it hard for lazy people. And since you'll never stop everyone, that's really the whole point - if you have to actually work to find "free" stuff, eventually, people will just pay for it instead, as time = money, and effort

Oddly, I agree. Just use the other Joe Jackson. I've heard people say that Bill Shatner's "Common People" cover was surprisingly good, but Joe Jackson does all the heavy lifting. If Del Ray would say, surround herself with actual talent and let them do the work, she might have her name attached to something OK to hear.

Eh, from comments other places, if Del Ray wasn't as artifically attractive, she wouldn't be on TV, even with her parent's dough paying for everything. My issue isn't with her (whom I care little to nothing about - that song was a big bucket of "eh"), but the artificial nature of the entire effect. That and the way

Yeah. I find her appeal so alien, I can't even really dislike her, but just kinda sit there wondering what the hell is going on, like those rare people who can't hear music but just hear it all as noise. But I'd expect an hour or so would drive me to murder.

I usually cringe at people who say "X starlet isn't attractive at all" as ugly/average girls don't get to be on TV so to a degree they're literally all pretty, but Behrs does nothing at all for me. Granted, I've only seen her on TV ads, but she seems gangly and kind of out-of-proportion in that limited exposure.

True, though if my dad was on Skylab and I grew up around NASA, I'd probably be at least a little more successful as a nerd - we tend to end up a lot closer to where we start than most of us like to think.

Oh. I kept reading that as "Lauren Graham", which kinda kills whatever tiny interest I'd've had. This sounds like the South Park episode where they eat Eric Roberts after only a few hours without food - only of course meant to be taken seriously. I know how people get off on the masturbatory concept that we're only a

Date movie! But seriously, it sounds like a story of two terrible people that managed to pretend to be otherwise for a long time, and now the local peasants are more angry at being fooled than at the fundamental awfulness that they pretended not to see until it was rubbed in their faces. A feel-good story if I ever

Hey old people! When you use pop culture artifacts you clearly don't understand, you will seem stupid, and occasionally will project a strong message very different from what you intended! Stick to the stuff whose context isn't alien to you.

And Behrs looks like someone lost her assembly instructions halfway through and  just decided to wing it.

It would be awesome if instead of an actual laugh track, it was just a roaringly drunk Blackie Lawless guffawing at every attempted joke.

Perhaps, but Joe'll never undo Blair Witch 2. I watched it a second time (ugh) with the director's commentary and man, he really tried to spin it into… anything… but there was nothing there and he had nothing to add. Sows' ears and silk purses I guess.

Branded to Kill was awesome, as it creates this matter-of-fact not-quite-real world and insists you follow them. What's with the acorn cheeks? The bizarre numbering (and utter fixation with) of the killers? The sexy, sexy rice? The ending that should make no sense, but somehow, kinda does. I liked Tokyo Drifter as

Huh. I mean, that sounds like it could be good, but does absolutely nothing in terms of improving the basic show. You still have too little happening, too many uncompelling characters, and too little narrative drive. A flashback episode can be good as a way to taking a break from a hard-driving story - a way to give a