Wouldn't they just starve to death? Or would cholera from drinking contaminated water get them first?
Wouldn't they just starve to death? Or would cholera from drinking contaminated water get them first?
So it's like the Objectivist "The Golden Compass"? Happy to see it on screen - pretty much bummed about any specific detail?
I dunno; sarcasm tends to have embedded humor. This sounds more like a "…but, but Clinton…" false equivalency.
So basically he knows his (inferior) place and works hard to be as useful to the master… err… "boss" as he can, and his reward is tolerance and then empty oblivion. I know Rand is an easy target, but make him black or latino and you more or less have segregation porn. My understanding about civil rights was not that…
So… stridently ignorant people are annoying, regardless of age or political spectrum? Good to know!
Reading those brings to mind that old Far Side comic, with the cow talking to a therapist: "Maybe it's not me y'know?… Maybe it's the rest of the herd that's gone insane."
Aren't most pirates 20-year-old Somalis with AK-47s and surplus RPG-7s? Is that really the ideal protagonists for a teabagger-targeted movie (even if, really, it actually is)?
I dunno. All those dead orcs on my block didn't stab themselves.
Sure, and tractor trailers didn't disappear when Convoy-fever died down. But neither one transports humans (even Greyhound is barely getting by). A sane person would understand your point and make the movie about freight trains, but… that would meaning changing some of the underlying concepts! Plus freight is really…
The Updike result was pretty funny.
Now I'll relate this little bit
That happens more than I'd like to admit
Late at night she knocks on my door
Drunk again and looking to score
Now I know I should say no
But that's kind of hard when she's ready to go
I may be dumb
But I'm not a dweeb
I'm just a sucker with no self esteem
Not enough punching or whores. In fact, I'm pretty sure there were no whores at all (not literal ones anyway), and of course the sex-stuff was along the lines of "listening the grandma talk about how she gives the best BJs at the old folk's home, and what her secret is" cringe-inducing. Also, no whores.
Plus in the book it was a radio address, which presumably the huddled gray masses would all breathlessly listen to in one sitting. of course since those people had long been condemned as worthless, and the non-Galtian "doers" were evil, it wasn't at all clear who the audience was for. Except perhaps the reader…
In a lot of ways this book seemed to read like the world's most boring, joyless superhero comic. In comics, all research and development, including testing and prototype construction, by the CEO, working by himself (possibly with a flunky that will soon betray him). There really is no need for "those people". Of…
I've had a lot of roommates, but I've yet to have one that could be fairly called "gnome-like". I feel robbed.
Of course he does. Where else is he going to put his horse?
But that doesn't work, since one 'E' is pronounced 'eh', but more than one is like in bee. So it becomes "ruh-veen-je", which I guess is actually kind of OK in a "let's imitate an accent I just made up right now" kinda way.
People always talk about how "a part of me died when I watched that", but those guys really sold it per Jack and Jill.
According to boxofficemojo, Jack and Jill has done >$64 million. That's no smash hit, but it's certainly in the "you get to keep making movies for… someone" zone.
Reading this I felt nostalgic for Paul Winfield.