Bah! All music critics do is tell people that good music is cynical, pandering, focus-group-driven tripe! Why should we reward that kind of behavior when everyone is just here to have fun and party!
Bah! All music critics do is tell people that good music is cynical, pandering, focus-group-driven tripe! Why should we reward that kind of behavior when everyone is just here to have fun and party!
Not just that, but commentary tracks, alternate subs and all the extras that people almost never watch but nonetheless have grown accustomed to having available.
"We're not planning on allocating a lot of resources to the new division."
Everyone knows that DVDs have a lifespan as a format, and that it would be abandoned eventually. Everything in his posts says "we aren't waiting for it to drag us down" (the Borders and AOL bits seemed pretty clear on this), and thus splitting the DVD business off so it can be sold and die by itself. Hastings thinks…
I find it endlessly amusing that both rural types and urbanites expect to be immediately robbed, raped, killed and never heard from again the second they leave the interstate and go out of their familiar area. When in most cases, those kinds of things are done by and to locals of either variety, not true strangers.
You have the wrong Quaid. Randy could use some pointers in how to train pit fighters anyway, to you know, protect himself.
Last Clear Chance is a winner from the overwrought start to the maniac-cop finish.
Hopefully people will realize this and we'll finally get that "Chicks trapped in burning cars" show America has spent the last 60 years breathlessly waiting for!
I've watched the Red Zone Cuba episode at least 20 times, and it never gets old.
Eh, "clumsy" is a classic Mary Sue trait, as it appears to humanize, but it's not something that any reasonable person actually considers are true flaw. So it "proves" she's not perfect, even though the author clearly believes she is. Hell, it's usually 90% of the way to adorkable.
So the changes are terrible, James Woods is terrible, the good parts are direct copies, it's not the 70s anymore and the art of sleaze remains lost, plus Kate Bosworth. So yeah, D-time!
She should cover BOC's "Joan Crawford". I can't tell if that picture is sexy or terrifying, both or neither. I do keep looking at it, though.
At first glance I thought "the one on the right is a girl, right?" and yet after finding out it is, feel disappointed somehow.
If we can just find a way to redo the story so that twee is somehow the actual cause of the cancer, make everyone 100% androgynous (instead of the good 60-70 that picture is giving me) and have music so delicate you can't actually hear it, we'll have finally hit Tweevana and there will never be a need for another one…
It bothers me that this needs three paragraphs. It seems to be exactly the cliche it wants to be, hitting all the correct notes and shuffling us 80 minutes closer to the cold, cold ground. Why does it need three?
Yeah, I liked it a lot, but only once I accepted that nothing was really going to happen, no answers would be forthcoming, and the dreamlike aspect was at least partially literal.
It was a really well-done homage to something that wasn't actually very good, and therefore trapped by the low ceiling of its inspiration.
We can have a trophy wife who married into many-millions yell at a woman who's in the hospital dying of botched liposuction for being mean to her! Pro athletes with long arrest records sticking it to whiny crippled kids! Hell, let's find a rich guy who beat a rape-murder rap to wave his dick at the victim's parents…
So I'm guessing the grades her aren't averages - it's the first one. Because the first would have to be A++++ to average out to an A- with Ryan's rejoinder.
Yeah, I've been at a live comedy show, and even though I was barely sipping a Bud Light, was aware that me and my friends were laughing at some pretty thin material - stuff that wouldn't have earned a smirk if I were alone at home. But I guess that's what x-cam stuff is selling; the illusion of being at a party, where…