
I had that issue with Lost. Michelle Rodriguez was supposed to be alone and desperate on the island for 48 days or whatever, yet her teeth were whiter and cleaner than any non-actor set I've seen in years. Would it have been that hard to make her swish with something filmy and not look ridiculous?

I can totally see people with serious drug/crime problems (i.,e not angelic wrongfully-accused types) being pretty and living depressing lives, but so what? Using such a character in a movie means they're beautiful and ugly at the same time, and since that's hard to do well (and easy to do terribly) and confuses and

Bridesmaids is about a lesbian wedding, right?
Or did the Invisible Man finally find love? Aww… that would be so sweet.

Anyone else getting a Robert Z'Dar hit from that image?
I refuse on principle to watch any TV show with a recurring character with a haircut like Howard's, so I just have to assume (hope) that's a really unfortunate angle on her there.

Springtime For Hitler?

Why can't it be both?

Psycho Dad
From Married w/ Children - Al's favorite show. Either that or "Homer S - Portrait of an Ass-Grabber."

Been awhile since I saw it, but didn't interrupting the beam mean that Picard loses a big chunk of his "there time"? That's what I got from it - that the attempt to save him was actually tragic, as what little remained of the civilization was further reduced by the interruption (which accomplished nothing). Or did I

Twilight for boys?
Well, twee boys anyway. The last paragraph is like a definition of "Mary Sue/Stu", and like most of those awful stories, we're supposed to be entertained just by being in the company of someone that awesome for a few hours. Unless the "big event" is like, I dunno, a massive mole-man attack, this

This sounds like a very, very watered-down version of Visitor Q.
Maybe that's for the best, though it does seem awfully pointless.

I can't get enough classic TV. Hill Street Blues or St Elesewhere or I dunno, The Six-Million Dollar Man if you really need that genre buzz.

The whining in the producer's link is kinda awesome.
A study that said 20% have another device on in the room means "Most people are watching TV with a laptop on their legs,". Numbers, what do they mean? Not one aspect of quality, star power, relevance or advertising was considered. No, the audiences were too stupid

A Dolomite remake, with Helen Mirren as Dolomite. This must happen!

I get the idea that if it was based on current levels of income, a bitter divorced parent could refuse to work at all just out of spite and owe nothing. But $200K/year for child support is so out there that you'd think there would be some kind of normalizing process. But then who's going to risk their political career

Origin Story! Origin Story!

Part of the issue is we only have a few minutes a week, if that, to spend with characters. With real people that you interact with, the time is vastly expanded, and so is the information. So characters are compressed, actions are accented and a consistency needed. Yeah, your Type-A buddy might occasionally have his

Batman's a scientist.

So what part of "built-in audience" are they not getting?
The age thing, really, bothers me more than the non-asian part. The whole point (or at least when I got from it - the ludicrous "genetic memory leads to psychic power" idiocy nearly put me to sleep) was that these kids were kids, caught up in things far beyond

Maybe this movie was made on a dare?
I mean, there's nothing, absolutely nothing about any of this that says "appealing" or "compelling". It doesn't even have trainwreck potential, as the central premise is so off and just weird, and the tone is not comedy while simultaneously being ridiculous. The whole enterprise

" Mmm, engine-block eggs. If we can keep these down, we'll be sitting pretty."