"Teen horniness is not a crime."
"Teen horniness is not a crime."
If by "good" you mean "if you were high enough to consider that a good idea how did you actually manage to spell out English words" bad, then yes.
Have the actors on Outlaw gotten new jobs yet? If not, why not merge the two, creating some politics that leave Earth entirely behind, supporting characters who are 50% wacky and 50% exposition sponges, and eventually they're all revealed to be aliens or time travelers or something.
But decades-later prequels are always awesome!
I dunno; the image of the dead victim in Alien seems like by itself to be more interesting than a movie about it is likely to be, and the alien mythology just keeps getting stupider and stupider anyway. Modern warfare isn't won by berserk mindless shock troops, but with…
Hated, hated, hated him. I'm sure if I read enough analysis I can convince myself he has a real purpose and isn't as lame as he seems, but at purely gut-level, his entire character blows chucks. He's like a male Troi, only lacking Troi's only assets. Neither one had any business being on a space taxi, much less the…
WoW's ending sucked as it was a masturbatory "only humans are smart" event. You have a species capable of interstellar travel, of super-weapons, of force fields and they can't comprehend basic quarantine procedure?
No hipster would ever admit to watching MTV after 1992, much less one of their non-music "shows". And even '92 is really pushing it.
The Razzies bug me because they pick the easiest, laziest possible targets then seem to smugly celebrate that someone was brave enough to do something like that. Who's a popular tabloid punching bag of the last six months who was in a movie? They need an award!
Social Conscious = Disposable?
Seems from this list that trying to shoehorn messages into a purely popular form is occasionally novel enough to move a few single,s but no one wants that stuff long-term. Until hip-folk (or should we be so lucky, rastabilly skank) takes off, maybe leave the sociopolitical stuff to the…
I dunno; when people complain about superheroes, it's usually the cliches that get them. The same idiotic vengeance-obsessed origin stories, secret identities that could not possibly work but do just because, black-and-white morality masquerading as depth, weirdly-tiny universes (as if half the US military wouldn't be…
Yeeh, I fully assumed that it was a show about a masked crime-fighter who fought crime on a peninsula, or at least a promontory. That it was literally his uniform seemed way too on-the-head. But it sounds like that's exactly the kind of thing the show was trying to do (for some reason).
Didn't Charlie's Angles used to get like a 65 share or something insane like that? Remember that there's like 310 million people in the states - 8.4 million is <3% of the total. Considering how many of those were rubberneckers, hipsters trying to be "ironical" and people who just like the TV as background noise, it…
I'd always had an almost irrational dislike of him - something about him just makes me want to punch him in the face. He's like that guy your popular friend knows and always get invited to parties, then shows up and isn't funny or witty or informative, yet everyone pretends to like him. Instead he just sits there and…
"I am also single-handedly supporting the makeup industry now that Tammy Faye is over - face it, you really have absolutely no idea what I look like."
Of course it's about the sexy-time; it's Christmas!
It did have the maybe the least believable backstories for a new series ever (and I'm including Small Wonder and Alf), though, so that's something. It had that vibe like it could be the kind of special stupidity you just don't get every day, but I gues it would up just being a regular failure. Too bad.
Is it just me or does that picture look like the whitest Indians on earth? I know it's a huge place with a large variety of cultures, ethnicities and genetics, but it's almost as if… nah… they wanted to find Indians that were the least Indian possible to appeal to moron-Americans. That or the image is just…
I totally agree. The "good man" the show starts out giving us is just a beaten-down man in a poor-man's monkey suit, drfiting and alien to himself. It's only when the cancer forces him to jettison the veneer of humility and conformity that he allows himself to breathe again, and what's revealed is anger, arrogance,…
I remember watching Brainstorm with a computer-obsessed friend, and during the movie they announced that room-temperature superconductors had been just invented. The reason in the story was so they didn't need the big cryo-rig (i.e., prop convenience), but he turned and said how that invention would be vastly more…
Hell yeah.