
B+ bag of hammers
I'm just having trouble with the idea that a comically-stupid premise can somehow be B+ over 137 minutes, no matter how different the camera work or how fluid the action. Purely from the review, this sounds incredibly awful, not B+.

I have this great vision of a Blade Runner sequel where all the replicants are only three models: Cera, LaBeef and Lady Gaga for some reason. Maximum exposure, maximum awesomeness. Davis Cross can be the cop who's in too deep, and Olmos will narrate.

Well, student selection is the easiest cure to most educational problems. Get rid of the ones who have no family support and don't want to be there, the ones with drug problems or criminal records, the ones with poor English skills, asperger's-spectrum issues and the flat-out-stupid and even the poorest district will

Loving terrible people is very different than setting up jerks to bounce jokes off. Seinfeld clearly loved its leads and the writes identified with them, but really, they were all awful, awful people. You don't have to approve of an anti-hero to root for him, and a Tony Soprano (or Walter White) can be a very

It's a balancing act. Hate characters too much (or the wrong way) and the audience will too, and then hate your show. Love them too much and the audience won't be able to understand why these people are so great or worth caring about, as the writers will be lazy and just assume that they can play on emotions they've

I have friends who really liked it (they were also "gifted" kids, so that seemed like clue), but just reading the jacket blub was such an incredible turnoff. It just sounds like the most stupid, ever-so-clever, nerd-masturbatory crap imaginable, and the bits I've taken in over the years about the story make it seem

Cliche of a cliche
I was watching football (yes, I'm *that* cool) and an ad come on for this show, and there was just something really odd about the lead. Something about her hair and makeup - she didn't look like a real person. Not like the cheesecake way or CGI, but just alien. And I instantly thought - this has to

No blood?
That implies this isn't for people who actually hunt, who understand that, well, shooting stuff tends to bloody it. No, it's for timid hunter-wannabes, who would like to blow away small animals but not have to feel icky about seeing marmot brains paint the scenery. That's a pretty frightening demographic.

Where does one get toast and jam while trapped in an elevator? The ones I've been in have always had poor food service options at best.

The Lift
Yes, it was a movie about a killer elevator with all the ridiculousness that implies, but I remember enjoying it. But then it had weird science and stuff, not halfwit theology as the threat.

Knives are better in movies
In real life, whenever anyone is stabbed to death or near death and you read the police report, it's always 20, 30, 50, 100 stabs. Maybe a few will kill you eventually, but it just seems like stabbing is a really poor way to get your quick-kill. Whereas in movies and TV, one stab and it's

We do get to see him try to run over Troy Duffy, right?
I just want to know if it was Harvey driving or if he had a chauffeur and had to bark out instructions.

There was the time Filburt agreed to pose as a woman so he could marry Rocko so he could avoid deportation. Of course he got way, way into it. He later married Dr Hutchinson and they had kids together. Yeah, not your regular kiddie-show.

When I think of her all I can think of is that she's the domestic partner of Lars Ulrich, which somehow makes him seem even more like a douche that he did before, which really shouldn't be the case. But there it is.

It's hard to be hooked when the hook needs to stay a secret
From films I've seen, all Brits either went to well-appointed boarding schools or were raised on the street, dodging blows from their angry, alcoholic, unemployed father. It must be great living in a land without that whiny middle class! Of course you can say

Isn't that V?

Yeah, Bart of Darkness and "Queen of Summertime" is the essence of Martin Prince.

That pic is pretty awesome
Can Boone and Morrissey use their patented glare powers to being the mannequin to life in time for the Animal Collective concert? Or will one of them randomly blurt out some surprisingly offensive non-sequitor that breaks the spell? You know you want to watch and find out!

The libs and teabaggers and religiousiters and truthinessers and nerds and global warmisists have it all wrong. The future isn't theirs, it's Michael Cera (in the larger, representative sense), the long-awaited prophet of the end times, who will sort of shrug and passively usher in the New DawnTM…

Troy Duffy has been there man, and when he sobers up, he'll drink to that!