
On one side: any older male director who acts in a scene in his own work that includes at least one kiss between him and a younger actress is always wrong.
On the other side: this situation is probably wrong in some circumstances, but it's not obviously always wrong.

I really hope this series does well enough to warrant a cameo by the Graveyard Duck in season 4 or 5.

As mentioned in the write-up, if this was a ~1-hr experimental film on its own it wouldn't be so surprising. Instead, it's 1/18th of a television series broadcast (to be fair, on a Premium network) as such. For me, it's incredibly refreshing to see that people decided this was okay to put on TV. Sure, you can find all

Missed one:
*Is it about the bunny?

There are so many places I can go to see "real life." Like, outside my apartment. I've experienced plenty of real life, occasionally being involved in extremes both negative and positive. Compelling surrealism is rare. When it's done well, even moreso. I'll keep experiencing real life for the rest of my life in this

He's doing what he wants to do. He wouldn't be doing any of this if anyone was making him give his fans exactly what they wanted. If you think it's "trolling" or anything similar to it, then no, you don't "get it."

Wow, me too re: Richard running over someone in the park. I also felt dread where a lot of people felt . . . something else in the Becky scene in the last episode because it seemed like the car was going -really fast- and the shot was too tight to tell whether the coked-up driver was staying in his lane.

It sounds like you want a TV narrative that follows the long-established rules of standard (broadly) TV narratives. I think Lynch has produced so little film work over the last decade because that's not the kind of thing that interests him. If it's really this frustrating for you, maybe save 4 episodes to watch at a

Welcome to Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence. The way out of nihilism is to find a way to -will- the eternal recurrence. If you can't accept your life, you're doomed.

I'm looking at it as a semi sequel to Suburgatory, which definitely earned it. Have no interest in the premise or basic sketches of the protagonists, but giving it a shot because there's no more Suburgatory—and I'm pleased so far.

"Or Jeezy Caviezel's long-lost personality."