
Adore that movie. Totally underrated. Best romance and best cry…

This is one of my favorite all time scenes and probably one of my favorite filmed performances. I was just last week telling friends to watch it—and told them that there's one scene that's beyond gorgeous. I always describe it similarly; Hopkins plays a man whose whole persona is about hiding his feelings and yet

Really interesting piece. I love Louie and was primed to like the episode—I'd heard quite a bit about it in advance—but do agree with you it didn't quite "get there." In some ways it felt like CK trying desperately to get in the head of the fat woman but not quite being willing to really plumb the depths. Because

Thank you; I thought I was going nuts. I'm still watching—for some reason—but I can't believe anyone's falling for the cray-cray-craziness of this show; the operatic highs, the Grand Guignol lows (sorry, I just don't see getting entertainment value out of torture anymore—or implying that it WORKS), the just throw

AGREED. The egregious number of loop lines—what, half of Casey's dialogue?—says one thing to me: this script NEVER came together. It was a slapdash mess and they tried to fix it in post. (Badly.) To me, it's emblematic of this show in general. It doesn't know what it is, it doesn't really have a point of view, it's

Doesn't "C" mean "Average"?
Got to agree with many of the other posters here; the show may not be perfect, may not quite have found its voice, may at times be a bit too self-consciously hipster twee, but in the long arc of television it's certainly better than "average". The set up is surely promising, the actors are

Master of Disguise
My nephew, 7 at the time, insisted he be taken to this movie (some strange love of Dana Carvey). About 15 minutes in he turned to his parents and said, loudly, "This is a terrible movie." When 7 year olds know you suck? You totally suck.