The Silent 1

I'm not sure he would have shown up on set like that had they not lost the account.

I think what got to him the most was Peggy using his line.

I honestly didn't get that feeling at all. Don was against it and Roger said upfront that he didn't really like it, but gave Joan the space she had asked for. What really ended up pushing Joan to do it was Lane telling her that it would secure a future for her and Kevin (though he did that out of self-interest). Joan

I don't think Don was in any way faking his discomfort with Megan's love scene. Hes always been one for privacy and its within his character to be upset at his wife kissing another man passionately in public. Even when he apologized to Betty in season 2 it seemed more because he embarrassed her then because of what he

Yeah, Joan slept with the client so that she could secure a future for herself and Kevin where she wouldn't need to rely on Roger or anyone else.

Heinz didn't buy Peggy's pitch either, they went with another, larger firm. Pete told Ted, "who says we're not celebrating?" and Ted responds with "J Walter Thompson, they bought it in the room". J Walter Thompson is a real agency and a really big one, leading to Ted's rant about the bigger agencies.

"Also, are we supposed to be rooting for Britta and Troy?"

@idiotking Yes, but Dany appears to be buying all of the slaves at once. I'm guessing by the way he reacts that no one has done this before. Besides, hes clearly underestimating her.

*I feel as though the writers of Shameless just write from one episode to the next and think little about the season as a whole. Each year always ends up feeling sort of disjointed and ill thought out.

Mad Men may not be my favorite show, but it may be my favorite current show to discuss.

"I suppose Oliver is a big enough local celebrity that it makes sense for the doctor to recognize him, but I wouldn’t have objected if Arrow had recreated one of the greatest moments in superhero history."
Ultimate Spider-Man often played a similar gag with Peter losing his mask, but it not really mattering because hes

"If the implication is that, as a rule, I am horrified by sexual violence
committed against women by men but unmoved when the gender roles are
reversed, then you are incorrect"

I'm not throwing anything around, it was rape. She went for Lip's crotch when he was clearly saying "stop" and trying to push her away. Then she pushed him down and mounted him anyways. Given the way this show has treated some of its other events (Carl nearly murdering a family member or the whole "butterface"

"Personally, as the Jimmy Fiona relationship has gone on, I've liked it
less and less, Jimmy clearly wasn't in love with Fiona anymore, if ever,
and was more in love with certain concepts that his relationship with
Fiona represented"

Given how bothered you were at last week's scene between Jody and Karen I'm surprised you didn't make more of Mandy raping Lip in this episode.

While the first half of this season was better paced, the second half of this season reminded me a lot of season 2, in that it felt like a lot like we were just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Well, it finally happened in this episode and it did feel somewhat anti-climatic. I have no idea what they have planned,

I think the writers made a mistake by not allowing us to spend any time with Mickey separately from Ian. We get to do this with Mandy, Karen, and Jimmy, but Mickey exists almost exclusively in his scenes with Ian and the character doesn't feel as well rounded as he could otherwise.

I'm still having a hard time buying that Mandy would have it in her to not only run over Karen, but to show no regret about it later. Yeah, she comes from a family of hardened criminals, but nothing we've seen from her before would lead me to believe that she personally was capable of such a thing. Furthermore, I hate

I didn't hate Jacob because he was an asshole, I hated him because his actions made no logical sense to any thinking person. If you really think about his actions or lack of actions throughout the series, you realize his methodology was totally incoherent. For example, he refused to intervene as a matter of principal,

I always felt like one of the main problems with Lost season 6 is that for most of the season, the characters weren't driving the plot. Almost none of them really cared about the larger story that was going on. Kate wanted to find Claire and leave, Jin and Sun wanted to find each other and leave, Sayid was basically a