The Silent 1

"touch upon homosexuality, but in a pleasant, softcore manner which
actually does nothing whatsoever to unseat reigning societal norms. See:
Omar in The Wire; Darmody's common-law wife in Boardwalk Empire"

You can probably add Michonne to that list of the untouchable given how much Kirkman seems to like that character and how much influence he seems to have on this show.

I don't think the cold open was useless, it served a thematic purpose. As the recap states, we knew the Governor was capable of some terrible things, but he went into complete psychopath mode when chasing Andrea. He was almost Jack Nicholson.

Surely Tyreese didn't just buy that story the Governor fed him about how the walkers were just for show. I mean as Tyreese even points out if they were just a ploy why not tell Tyreese that and instantly defuse the situation? I mean you don't discuss strategy with strangers, but you'll give them guns and let them

"What’s so different about the reaction to Girls is the belief by
so many who dislike the show—for often valid reasons—that those who like
it are letting go of their critical faculties."

Thats pretty much how I see it. In the past when Don focused more on his work, his home life suffered. In season 5 he was focused on his new marriage and his work suffered. I see this poster as representing Don being torn between the 2.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus A lot of people say Cobb was the only character in Inception, but I feel like they sort of overlook Cillian Murphy's character whose father issues are very much at the core of the story. The rest of the characters are pretty much there to serve a particular role in the

@avclub-5bc6960dad8ab0694bb4d6ff884b0c1e:disqus Nolan has written or co-written the scripts for all of his movies. He wrote Following himself and wrote Memento based on a short story his brother wrote. His one film where he doesn't have a screen writing credit is Insomnia (also his worst movie imo) and he was said to

*So Frank's relationship with his family is basically the same, with him over at the house casually chatting with them as though the whole court room situation never happened.

Alan Sepinwall mentioned it in his review and the more I think about it hes right, the court room scene just doesn't ring true. Why didn't Fiona mention that Carl was tricked into thinking he had cancer? Why wasn't Ian allowed to testify and tell the judge about the time Frank hit him?

@tonyyanksfan:disqus I agree. I thought people were a little to hard on Jimmy previously, but theres no defending him after tonight and the worse part is they made him act almost out of character to get to this point. Jimmy has always known that Fiona is basically a mother to these kids and the fact that he would be

"the scene where Mickey collapses into Ian's arms confesses how this
experience has shown him how much he loves Ian and how lucky he is to
have someone like Ian in his life. About how Ian is the only person out
there who loves him for who he is and how that just means the world to

Did Oliver actually say this, because I was excited about getting back to Justice League as well. The upcoming Cadmus arc is possibly the highpoint of the DCAU.

Those military men probably would not have accepted the Governor's rule, so he couldn't bring them into the fold, but they had things he could use so he had them killed. It was purely a practical thing.

I agree with @yahoo-XA4RDSRSUX3XRSCPRR7XNGSPUQ:disqus , I lost interest in the comic after the Governor arc.  Perhaps if this show did have a higher level of writing, the show could make just surviving interesting but I doubt that'll happen.

He and Shane had a lot of history together, they knew each other for a long time. But on top of that, the whole experience at the farm crushed a lot of Rick's initial ideals and it caused a rift between he and Lori. I think it was all fleshed out enough. The only thing I really find probelmatic about Rick at this

On Rick, I think the change in his character between season 2 and 3 was because he had to murder his best friend. Season 2 was all about the conflicting viewpoints that Rick and Shane had and while Rick is the one who survived he did end up realizing that hes living in a new world and has to adapt to that.

For a genre show like this, I feel like there needs to be some sort of driving goal going forward. I don't know how long they can sustain this, if survival is the only motive for our characters. In BSG it wasn't just about survival against Cylons, it was about finding Earth. With Lost it wasn't just about survival

What I like about Static and the rest of this new set of characters is that they did a great job of introducing them and making them apart of the show. I feel like, I have a good feel for all of those characters now and I'm invested in them. I can't say the same for some of the other new characters they introduced.

I don't understand why CN doesn't treat this show like Justice League. Didn't that show come on in the evenings and have an older audience?