The Silent 1

Pretty much in agreement, though I think Frank's reasoning for killing Russo was pretty clear, though I agree the moment didn't have the necessary impact.

I'm starting to get tired of the way the Abed/Troy relationship is written. At times its like hes dating him more than hes dating Britta, and I realize thats part of the joke, but the show takes it a bit too far. Scrubs did a better and more realistic job of playing out this dynamic with JD,Turk, and Carla. There were

I think its a combination of everything happening thats causing Steve to break down. His father has been lying to his family this entire time and hes wondering what else is a lie, on top of his parents getting a divorce, and finding out that his father's lover is his girlfriends brother. Contrary to what your saying,

I don't think its right to say he didnt care about her reactions to those things. Leaving town and getting married were both things he did out of necessity and he talked about both things with her.

I think this is the first time where Steve really went willingly into Estefania's arms. And honestly, i think Fiona could have been a little more understanding. While Fiona definitely has bigger problems she could have talked with Steve more when he tried to bring up his issues with his father in the bedroom and later

The constant Lip self destruction was getting old so seeing him finally tell off Karen was a welcome change. Can't believe I didn't notice the Lip/Mandy and Mickey/Ian parallel until Ian all but points it out. Him scolding Lip for the way he treats Mandy was obviously rooted not just in his friendship with Mandy, but

I was just about to ask the same question about Roy (the clone Roy). If I'm not mistaken we haven't seen him since he managed to track down the clone Roy Harper. Also, I wonder how his marriage with Cheshire works exactly with the 2 of them on opposite sides of the law.

Honestly, I thought that freak out was a step backwards. We already had Rick break down and have hallucinations of Lori calling him, but he overcame that and has been fine since. Now just as they are on the verge of getting new allies, we have that moment ruined by Rick suddenly having more visions and going nuts in

WIth Lori gone, it looks like Beth may be trying to position herself as the new "first lady". She seems to be the baby's primary caretaker now and that kiss she gave Rick was definitely more than just a friendly one. But honestly, its not like she has many options right now and Carl will probably need to grow some

I don't think this show is being praised to the level you're saying, at least not amongst tv critics. Most recognize its flaws and see it as nothing more than popcorn entertainment, but the show's massive popularity amongst the general public means they have to cover it extensively.

Tim Drake mentions that the Red Robin costume is the original one that Dick wore. I always thought that Bruce put that one on display in the Bat Cave since it represented his good memories with Dick prior to their split.

"I get that Lloyd was drunk, but for Lloyd and Ian to suddenly be so forthcoming about their situationship rang slightly false"
I didn't really see it that way. Both were put in a position where they had to explain themselves. After Lloyd drunkenly tried to screw Lip he had to explain what the hell he was doing and Ian

I'd say Maggie is still number 1, but Carol is a close second.

I don't know, Rick bugging out like that at that exact moment felt like a cheap way to cause drama there. Had that not happened, then Rick probably would have come around to Hershel's suggestion and they would have new allies. But that would have been too easy, so the show has Rick freak out at that moment when he was

Many shows work better in binge viewing, not just because it glosses over certain flaws like the article states, but because of the way those shows are structured. I completely agree with Alan Sepinwall's suggestion that you when you begin the Wire, you should block off enough time for at least 2-3 episodes and I'd

Being referred to as Ian's boyfriend may have been what finally set Mickey off, but that doesn't change the fact that he was clearly following them out of some sort of jealously. In fact, I'd almost say he used the boyfriend comment as an excuse to go off.

“Dexter to Showtime is what Batman is to Warner Brothers,”

Its not just that Frank is unlikable, its that hes neither funny nor interesting as well. Tony's mob conflicts made for good drama in addition to his more relatable qualities like dealing with his family. The same can be said for Walter White, Dexter Morgan, Vic Mackey, and any other anti-hero you can think of. I've

The fact that this is an adaption of the UK show is irrelevant at this point since the two shows have gone in different directions. I don't think people are worshiping Fiona, but her story lines are consistently the most compelling while Frank has simply gotten old and is often unfunny. I think the rest of the

*I definitely felt like this episode deserved a higher grade then last weeks. Fiona and Debbie's stories alone were enough for that.