
I feel like every Richard Kelly movie is trying to retroactively stamp out the possibility opened up by the theatrical release of Donnie Darko (which I also think is superior to the DC): that Jake Gyllenhall's character is not a messianic prophet at all, but just a really scared schizophrenic kid. When I watch that

Agreed! Just reading the review made me choke up a little bit—and that's nothing compared to how the preview slayed me. Huzzah!

Vampire's Digest?
I have to say, I'm torn about the "greatest hits" setup of this. I think it will be a lot more fun to watch, for sure, but you miss something key about soaps (as opposed to other serials) when you don't have to wade through weeks of bullshit to get one plot development. The pleasure of a real daytime

The First Evil.

I, too, say two. I'm watching for the first time along with these recaps, and three a week is a little hard to keep up with. When I just read the recaps for the eps I've finished, there are sometimes spoilers for the other ones that week.

This sounds incredible!

Re: the question of the mole, I keep thinking it's Echo herself—that this is where the episode is going with the "Briar Rose" myth. She's creating the prince to come rescue her. But then I am left wondering why she punches out Ballard (besides that he seems so scary and violent).

When she first sets up the contract with Echo, Adele says that the dolls are only conscripted for five years, so it's possible that she *was* a doll, and now works for the Dollhouse.
I think she was probably just freaked out by the inherent impossibility/falseness of Victor/Roger's claim, though. Remember how

Did anyone else misrecognize that music as the theme from Star Trek TOS? Because that's what I thought it was, and that crossover moment made the over-the-top scifi cheesiness of the end bit more palatable. I took the shout-out to other sci-fi genre stuff as a signifier that they were moving from a commitment to

I have that same reaction about drinking on the show! I'm so into the tricks for hiding their pregnancies that I forget it's not happening within the story-world.

Actually getting married dashed all my hopes of romantic breakfasts, since I get up at least an hour before my special lady, and when she does get up she can only grunt at me until at least 9:30.

Thank you, Olivia Newton-John
For giving me the best dream ever.

mmmm pop culture lesbionics
I have a personalized drawing by Alison Bechdel of *Fun Home* fame that she made for me while I was in the hospital (although this didn't happen courtesy of the Make-A-Wish foundation, it might as well have, it's so precisely the thing I wanted). It's of Sydney, the professor character

Am I the only one who thinks that Dracula 3000 movie sounds *awesome*?