2 Wycked

Can't remember exactly where, but Dany swore vengeance against that Khal she ran back into at the end for allowing Eroeh (sp?) to be raped and murdered.  Something like, "They'll wish I was as merciful as they were to Eroeh."

Killing and beheading two random peasant children is, like, a Class D misdemeanor in Westeros.  I think they fine you 100 dragons and send you on your way.

Theon can still please the ladies.  Just ask Jeyne Poole.

LOL that's great.

Who besides Marky fackin Mark could've taken down those gahddamn ragheads?  NAWT YOU!  NAWT YOU!  And NAWT YOU!

Kids on coffee!  Kids on coffee!  Kids on coffee!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute.  The thesis of this book is that a person is a bastard for leaving Location A in favor of Location B due to career considerations and "Raab…lives in New Jersey these days"?  Doesn't that undercut literally any point he could make?

I was getting ready to say the exact same thing.  This may be Scott Raab's interpretation of the reason, but it's far from true. 

The main problem with 28 Weeks Later was, AGAIN SPOILERS, the zombified dad stalking the kids all over London.  That ruined it for me.

I thought she wad directly appointed by Peter and derived her authority from him?  I could be wrong.

Shouldn't Will just go to Peter and tell him, "Look, I know we've had our problems, but your special investigator is using her position to investigate and undermine you."  That would kill all his problems in one fell swoop—Peter would fire the shit out of Wendy, who would no longer be empowered to investigate Will. 


This is all you need to know about Ayn Rand:

One of my favorite lines from the series comes from (I think) this episode.  Patsy bashes that dude in the head with a glass bottle in front of Finn.  Finn is understandably freaked out by it and he and Meadow get into an argument about it, because, according to Meadow, "the truth is, they bring certain modes of

@Pairesta "One. Two. Three. Aaaaand four." /gently but aggresively punches Jerry in the jaw. "HO HO!"

All the hate for shit jokes is unwarranted. To paraphrase Louis CK: "You don't have to be smart to laugh at a shit joke, but you have to be an idiot not to."

One of my favorite George moments comes in that episode when he walks into the diner and Susan is there with Jerry, Elaine and Kramer, and she invites old "Georgie Boy" over to the table.

The only other episode I thought it could be was The Friar's Club, but I ruled that out because of all the "sweeten"/"souring" talk. Now I think you're correct.

A stranger's just a friend you haven't met! STREETCAR!

Can't speak for everyone but I approached the George getting married subplot with restrained jubilation.