2 Wycked

Can't remember
Is "The Engagement" the episode where George keeps referring to himself and Susan and Jerry and whoever he was going to marry as "The Gatsbys"? In any event, any time my wife and I go to dinner or whatever with another couple, I refer to us all as The Gatsbys as kind of a test to see whether they're

New on The Onion: Weird Teen likes Carl Sagan in Addition to "Murphy Brown"

There's definitely some Christian-slanted Sabbath…Master of Reality comes to mind. Can't speak to Incubus though.

Oh man, Tooth & Nail…that takes me way back. I grew up in a pretty religious household and my aunt owned a Christian bookstore, so I grew up on Tooth & Nail. The only band I can really go back to without cringing is Starflyer 59.

/takes a hit off a J

Based on the novel "The Koran Heart" by Bachelorette

You should go to the gym more.

Scott Van Pelt > Mike and Mike > Colin Cowherd


This is a fucking dark period!

Mr. Kickass. Mr. Rub-ber-burn-er. You better wipe that hot shit grin off your face 'fore I shoot it off.

One more stunt like this and I'll have your playbooks!

Death Blow—when someone tries to blow you up, not because of who you are, but for different reasons altogether

You've selected—Mountain High?

Mr. President—your daughter is in the Chunnel!

Troll hard, son.
Troll hard.

Pretty sure GOB will lay his sweet crown on anyone's head, if you catch my drift.

We do NOT wave our GENITALS at one another to MAKE A POINT!

Doesn't Bob Odenkirk drop that Schwimmer line immediately after sweeping all the shit off his desk in a rage? Hilarious.

@Michael Clayton. GOB's best, and also most confusing, euphemism for sex is when he says he's going to "lay [his] sweet crown upon her head."