2 Wycked

I BLEEPed Kitty! reminds me of the first episode of Arrested Development I ever saw—one of the early second season episodes.

Michael kidnapping "Lupe" is great
"I've gotta go, I've got someone else with me and I'm not going ANYWHERE until SHE'S TAKEN CARE OF! Crazy. LOCO!"

You illegally download The Black Album. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

The Four Horsemen must have gotten loose! Creeping death can't be far off.

Yup, immediately after posting that comment I found several good articles shining a light for me. Thanks for the suggestions.

Modern hardboiled
I'm a big fan of Chandler and, to a lesser extent, Hammet, but I'm not up on the modern noir authors really. I've been looking to start reading Ellroy maybe. Where's a good place to start with modern noir? That could be a good Gateway to Geekery.

Frank Costanza. Period.

"You got me BLACKLISTED from Hop Sing's?!" is great

I vividly remember seeing the chestburster scene in Alien on all the TVs in the Wal-Mart electronics department at like age 8.

My favorite Lucille line has to be "I'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to be drunk by 9:00," followed by hysterical laughter


@Olde Fortran. El Frito Bandito, no soy?

She Shared My Netflix Password
I'm Sharin' a Cell With You

I knew there were quite a few other KY folks on here, but it's still cool to hear several others were at the same show I was. If you were facing the stage, we were sitting to the right about 10 rows up.


Saw them in Lexington, KY, about a month ago. They blew the lid off the joint—best I've seen them perform since I saw them in a 500 (if that) seat venue in 2004

Inspired by sarCCastro—this never fails to amuse me:

@spicoli — how did he tie Megadeth into math?

yellow sweatshirt, green sweatshirt, who gives a shit?