2 Wycked

Arrested Development at last
Good call. You're an ideas man, VanDerWerff.

You would all just SHIT yourself if you found out who Zodiac Motherfucker really is (hint: she's on The View!)


You guys are not going to be running with my team any time soon.

Gangsters? Squads?
Gangster Squad.

Got damn!
Aint this some bullshit?

Elizabeth Banks tastes like a burger.
I don't like her anymore.

@ Sean ONeal - maybe not, but I hadn't really heard The Ramones prior to watching this, and it encouraged me to really dig in to them. I'd say it encouraged other middle schoolers to do likewise.

Saw this long ago
Other than the music, which is good, the main thing I really remember is Thurston Moore asking some little German girl, "Is J. Mascis your boooooooooooyfriend?"

Sample entry from Slacktivist's deconstruction of the Left Behind series, regarding the series' re-release:

My aunt owned a Christian bookstore in my hometown and I worked there for several years in high school. I've read most of the Left Behind books. They're theological and literary nightmares. Just awful, appalling stuff. Check out patheos.com/community/slack… if you're interested in seeing a Christian brutally and



Buddy's = The Double Deuce
Can't wait for Tim Riggins to take up the quiet, philosophical bouncer role while Jason Street wails on the guitar on stage

An FBI Agent named GOB!
But still…where did the wiretapped light fixture come from?

My phone rang literally the moment I ejected the DVD when I watched The Ring the first time. Scared the bejeezus out of me. I answered very cautiously.

I liked Damien's quote
"A bunch of crazy ass shit happens. THEN it gets drugged out." Yikes!


I think you meant to say Ken Jeong

There's a sporcle.com quiz where you have to get every word in George's monologue. Nailing a word you forgot was in there, and having it remind you of the hilarity of his speech, is great