2 Wycked

George in a nutshell
"You know I always wanted to pretend that I was an architect!"

"I'm still not sold on Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck as a director"
You clearly made that name up

I'm an ideas man, Dwight!
I think I proved that with BLEEP Mountain!

I mean, bro. Fuckin' Glee, man. You know?

I watched it once. Thought it was The Wizard of Oz. Scarred me for life. Way worse than when the half man on the skateboard grabbed my leg at the carnival. It's tough to go visit my Pop-Pop in prison now.

This show's title reminds me of "Homer to the Max."
Police Cops.

How is babby formed?

Downloaded full throttle last night—still a good game, but I had forgotten about the the "fight people while riding motorcycles" portion. With reason.

Philip Marlowe's ethos was out of step with the times in Chandler's books as well. Characters in the books are generally consumed and driven to do stupid things by money, sex and power; he's almost amused if he gets paid at all and actively shuns media attention. Bringing it more into the 1970s is still a good idea,

older adventure games
I played a lot of the LucasArts adventure games (Sam and Max, Full Throttle, Monkey Island) back in the day, and I'd like to revisit them and get into some that I missed—where's the best place to pick up these games?

The judge gave it to him because its the only one he spelled correctly

the blacksmith's son is played by Max Irons?


I'd just like to say that the commenters SUCK DICK! But, nevertheless, please welcome them.

I want you inside me!
Oh, hey…from before…


We meet again, My Year of Fops.

I hate robots
I don't even know why the scientists make them. They use my medicine for fuel.

Juuuuuuuuuuust a bit outside.

i wonder
Is it ever appropriate to have an explicit description of oral sex on a charity single? I'm sure Bonnie Prince Billy will find a way