2 Wycked

She ruined "I Try."

Up and at them!

On closer inspection…
…these are loafers.

If you had to hate music made by assholes…
…there'd be almost nothing left to listen to

He RUINED cornbread's life when he did that. Won't pay child support at all

Look how nonchalant Jason Statham looks walking away from that explosion! It's almost as if he KNEW that car was going to blow up

Ugh, that sounds like something a Russian mobster would've said. I meant "the doctor says George's reaction…was one of 'restrained jubilation.'"

ha, i love the scene in the finale where the doctor calls George's reaction upon hearing that Susan had died was one of "restrained jubilation."

Someone below reminded me that the made guys at the game got their money returned. That clears this up a little bit

I understand that, but still, wouldn't there be a better way to show your audacity, daring and guts that wouldn't involve robbing your friends, business associates and relatives at gunpoint?

Knocking over card games
How does this earn Tony and Ralph respect? I assume they steal from people in the organization as well as the outsiders who are invited to play. Shouldn't this just get them into a whole lot of trouble?

There was probably a communication breakdown at some point. I imagine the levee of criticism is gonna break pretty soon and Mr. Tyler will find himself trampled underfoot

Of course Zeppelin wanted him
Jimmy, you gotta work on that riff, my man. It's like I told J.Lo the other day, "skibbidy beep bop YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH," you know?

Mr. President…your daughter is in the Chunnel.

You've selected…Mountain High?

I want that failed fistbump to become a .gif so bad

At what point does Audrey say…
…you're never gonna make it, Hank!

gimme five bees for a quarter! you'd say

This is exactly how I've described The Warriors to anyone who hasn't seen it—great idea, but just terribly done.