2 Wycked

Fights crime on contingency? No, money down!

lay off
Kinkade is just carrying on the long tradition of boozy, addled painters, and you AVclub nanny staters can't stand it. For shame.

Wait, who is that young go-getter?
Well, sir, it sort of looks like Homer Simpson, only more dynamic and resourceful.

If loving your kids is lame, the I guess I'm just a big lame.

My fantasy football team name a couple years ago was The Foppish Dandies; I found this on Wikipedia.

@ My Year of Fops - holy shit. I think the universe is about to tear itself asunder

Hello, this is your doctor, Dr. Chim Richalds…you don't remember seeing me, but the uh results of your pregnancy tests are in. You're knocked up, get out of the news

After actually watching the episode, all this procedural stuff became a lot clearer.

That's correct—I haven't seen the episode myself, so I didn't realize we were dealing with federal court. Like I said, I didn't watch the episode, so how did a murder case end up in federal court? That's generally a state crime.

Indiana bar
It wouldn't be THAT unheard of. Now, I myself am no fancy, big city lawyer (/snaps suspenders), but I know of people practicing in cities along our border with another state who are licensed in both states. It can be even easier than passing your first bar to get admitted to another state—if you've been

This thread sure made me laugh to beat the band. Every new name conjured up some great Simpsons related memories

George is gettin' upset!

Everyone knows that you gotta use Comic Sans in a protest letter. GET YER SHIT TOGETHER!

stop playin

I think she's also the host of the Pawnee, IN, morning show on Parks & Rec.

Lewd, lascivious, salacious, OUTRAGEOUS!

lie detector tests
anyone ever seen maury do those? they're the best. "we asked you if you had slept with twenty five of your wife's relatives in the last week. you answered no. the lie detector test has determined that that is a lie."


"smearing semen on her face and fucking a dog"
AKA, saturday night at the lohan house

Nice work
I think I've said this in both Seasons 1 and 2, but damn I had forgotten about how great this show is. These writeups are great and really put me right back to when I was watching this for the first time. Thanks, TVDW