2 Wycked

Jackie, Jr., is a huge douche. First of all, he's the biggest guido in a series about Italian-Americans from New Jersey. Second, he cheats on a hot ass Meadow Soprano with some gutter skank. Third, just look at the dipshit.

Shoot your cuffs, kid.

Thank you/me for the confirmation.

Monster Parties…
…aren't nearly as scary as Werewolf Bar Mitzvahs

Nathan and commenters—is there any support to my theory that "I've Got a Tiger by the Tail" is secretly about drug addiction rather than some hellcat woman?

Oh, you'll pay. Don't think you won't pay!

Isn't the line actually, "Out on tour with the Smashing Pumpkins/Nature kids, (I) they don't have no function." I've always heard a distinct "I" in that line, like Malkmus is referring to himself/Pavement, too. Or have I just been mis-hearing the line?

I'll take that bet!
It's the ultra-conservative and straitlaced fraternity! Every young man's dream! Congrats, Joel!

oooh damn that crusty old dean
This bra bomb better work, Nerdlinger!

"John Grisham…is…the real killer."


"Y'all…put out."

He looks a lot like a silver-haired Rand Paul in this episode.

You'll still enjoy it, but it's better if you have some familiarity with Lethal Weapon. The music—all saxomophoney—is dead on.

I'm the Aniston of my office


i for one welcome our new cougar overlord

I'll take any excuse I can get to trot out that chestnut.

Chang's best line…
…is one I can't remember at the moment. It's the line he says while spitting up cereal. Any help?

Or sparkly skin and a thirst for blood