
Michael Smiley man. That guy rules. Kill List is one of the best films ive seen in years, and i thought High Rise was a lot better than some apparently did.

One of them looks disturbingly like Dwight from The Walking Dead.
They're actually pretty good.

Listen to "Advert" by Blur. You'll never need to listen to The Kaiser Chiefs again.

And yet i would kick a bed out of a Casino.

The guys name is, brilliantly, Dallas Schoo.
And he has my dream job. Playing with all that stuff every day while The Edge is off doing yoga or trying to restrain Bono or some shit.
Yes please.

This show grabbed me when it used a Janes Addiction song in the first episode, and nothing since has done anything to change my mind. Pure excellence.
And Jermaine Clement fits perfectly.

Shit! One False Move. What a great movie.

Damn this is sad. Sincere condolences to all concerned. Bill Paxton lit up everything I ever saw him in. Great character actor. He was absolutely superb in Near Dark. Very sad day.

Happy Thanksgiving from Britain AV Clubbers! Not really a thing over here; but this year of all years, thanks for existing.

Ben Mendelsohn

Good point. Well made.

I love how they dont even write verses and choruses anymore. Yet somehow still make insanely catchy music. That's some skill.

To me this is the sound of Radiohead getting it exactly right. Not one skippable track. It sounds like a culmination of everything they've done to date. And the production? Perfect.

Aaaaand "Present Tense" is also awesome.

Holy shit, "Ful Stop" is awesome.

"Where's that tune? I know I left it around here somewhere."
Seriously though, good song. Great video. Love Radiohead.

Christopher Eccleston would make an excellent Jon Connington.

"When Doves Cry" was the first Prince song I remember. To this day it's one of the most exoticly weird songs I've ever heard. When I was about 14 I once played it on a jukebox on a family holiday. When it finished, my Father lent in and said "Who was that? That's incredible." Cool guy, my Dad.

That would explain the ads for miracle cure all tonics at the back.

Looking forward to this. Joe Gilgun is always worth a watch, and the trailer I've seen was better than I thought it was going to be.
Off topic, England have just come from 2 behind to beat Germany. IN BERLIN. It's my birthday, and I'm about to crack open a bottle of Irish whiskey. Good times!