Former Cosby Kid

also any award that Sandra Bulloch gets 2 nominations for is a joke.

where the fuck is…

Does this mean my time spent studying sagas at the University of Iceland has won me some cred in the film industry? Just a few weeks ago I told my room mates about my idea of a historical epic/ buddy action movie mashup starring a viking and a samurai. One is a bearded rapist fond of burning down villages, the other

"Werewolf Barmitzvah. Boys becoming men. Men becoming wolves."

Someone upload this onto some sort of free streaming website, give us Canadians a chance to watch it. Please… I'll buy the DVD when it comes out I swear, not a thief, just geographically impaired (when it comes to tv, healthcare makes up for it… barely).

Across 110th street…
Why anyone would want to go back across 110th street is a mystery to me. Its a terrible place, full of pimps trying to find a woman that's weak. I was the 3rd brother of 5, doing whatever I had to do to survive. I'm not saying what i did was alright, trying to get out of the ghetto was a day to

I think you've miss-interpreted the whole "language creates truth" line of thought, Mr beer. It isn't to say that some people are magically imbued with the power to create though their language but rather that language is itself what we use when we conceive of reality (all of us, not just the Joyce's and McCarthy's of

Maslow's Hierarchy of Canadian Indie Rock Collectives
I always liked Folkloric Feel more than anything by broken social scene. From what I heard of the album before this it wasn't as good and now this one (from the review and sample song) seems to continue that trend, thats a low-down-dirty shame.

A friend of mine
describes mcsweeny's various comedy efforts (like this and internet tendency) as 'approaching humour with a 10 foot stick labelled "science" '. I agree, but still think it's pretty funny.

I'm guessing the Coen, Hughes and Wachowski brothers were all attacked along with cartonish sound effects a few times before everybody wised up and realized it was the Farrelly brothers.

They could use the camera trickery used in every Sylvester Stalone movie (all shots where he stands next to another character would be above the waist and he'd stand on a box). I always thoght the judge was one of the bigger obstacles to making Blood Meridian into a movie(but far from the only one… resurecting Sergio

My grandmother is 7 feet tall and she cut off one of her breasts so she could throw a spear better at her mortal enemies (centaurs). The New York Times need to get started on a story about this new trend of Grandma-zons.

well in MY city I will soon be able to bye it on a bootlegged DVD in a subway station. Only problem is it would have Korean subtitles…