
I really appreciate this article. My mother is a teacher who often works with children with autism, and I am a Speech-Language Pathology major who plans to do the same. I HATE BBT, while my mom and many of my professors love it. I don't like the portrayal of Sheldon as having a spectrum disorder, while sidestepping a

I'm not sure if I would have ever listened to the Paper Chase if the person who recommended them to me had used that ridiculous spelling. I didn't know they were defunct! They're the last band I saw in concert, and considering that Wikipedia puts their final year as 2010 this is very depressing.

I'm not sure if I would have ever listened to the Paper Chase if the person who recommended them to me had used that ridiculous spelling. I didn't know they were defunct! They're the last band I saw in concert, and considering that Wikipedia puts their final year as 2010 this is very depressing.

This was my absolute favorite show when I was about 8 or 9. They had a contest on AOL once, where you had to write a haiku, and I did and submitted it and won a Musical Barbecue sampler (if everyone won this I will be very disappointed because it is one of my greatest achievements to date)

This was my absolute favorite show when I was about 8 or 9. They had a contest on AOL once, where you had to write a haiku, and I did and submitted it and won a Musical Barbecue sampler (if everyone won this I will be very disappointed because it is one of my greatest achievements to date)

It’s unfortunate people feel the need to keep having those conversations."
Yeah, it's so unfortunate that people keep insisting on talking about and criticizing sexism, what a downer!

It’s unfortunate people feel the need to keep having those conversations."
Yeah, it's so unfortunate that people keep insisting on talking about and criticizing sexism, what a downer!

Please fix your pronoun usage- "he" isn't going to do anything, as "he" is a woman and it's pretty damn offensive to misgender her throughout the article.

My DVR does this all the time, and only to The Office- they just don't get along for some reason

"Nobody Puts baby in a Corner" REALLY bothered me. There were signs that all three of those kids were being abused, and up until the end I thought the episode would focus around Veronica trying to rescue Gia's brother, but she just absolutely forgets about him. In fact,
does he even come up again? Like, after

Just started this last night! I agree that his writing's a little off, but I also felt it was off in Unseen Academicals. However, my love of Vimes can overpower anything, so I'm still enjoying it immensely.

Going Postal
Night Watch
Thief of Time
aaaandddd… I'll say Jingo.

This would have been much creepier if actually got tagged in anything normal. After showing me pictures of various game photos I'd been tagged in, the grand finale? A picture of my friend's cat.

Just wanna throw in my support for weekly Psych coverage. Now that all the serious relationship drama seems to be over, taking Shawn's pouty face with it, I'm excited about the show again!

i cannot figure out what this sentence means

has long had one of the only comment sections on the internet i can actually enjoy. good to find out that it only works on pop-culture related crap, not real issues.

ooh can i join?
this isn't that weird, but i made an awful lot of toast with cinnamon, sugar and butter mixture.
what may be weird, though, is a concoction my mom turned me on to- maple syrup, peanut butter, and cream cheese- it is AMAZING.

I LOVED Lucy DOTD- I wasn't planning to watch this till I found out that was in Bouchard's repertoire.

shock humor?
Made it through the child molestation joke, turned it off at the end of the autism joke. Too bad, I kind of liked Louise.

am i alone in this?
whenever i try and visualize jon benjamin, all i see is coach mcguirk. that is what i assumed he looked like for the past 7 years or so.