
@Incurable Ennui

@ Incurable Ennui
I'd wager there's more physical activity in my life than in yours. Your baseless insults speaks volumes to your intelligence. Perhaps you and chrisk can get together sometime, that way you'll have someone to share all that incoherent nonsense with.

It's funny that you think I would care or even flinch at such a remark. The open-endedness of your post says one thing, that you're dying for me to engage you in some sort of argument so you can prove just how superior your opinions and wit are…. because let's be honest, linguistics over the internet must be

Maybe it's just me, but people pointing wands at each other with vengefulness for two and a half hours doesn't really say "epic battle" to me. It feels like a kiddy movie trying to be something it's not, it tries to be taken too seriously, it's try to be too raw and violent.

Fair enough

If you're trying to prove that you're treated unfairly here by the A.V. Club staff, I think you picked the wrong place to do that.

I don't know… it seems like he really believes most of what he's saying.

With the right role *both* are great in comedy.

No beef with Bateman or Vaughn. With the right role but are great in comedy. ex: Vaughn in Wedding Crashers or Bateman in Arrested Development.

Breaking Bad - phenomenal dialogue, writing and acting. solid story with interesting characters that are evolving and feel realistic. occasionally misses the mark with an episode or two, but comes back strong at the end.

I'm not a Dave Matthews Band fan. I listened to them mostly from 1996-2000.
As an ex-fan though…

Double posts? Maybe not. But it will help me watch double the porn.

I have to respectfully disagree. Remember that time you could barely read the newspaper and Harry ended up having to help you through it?

Allow me to submit exhibit A for worst band ever:

John Frusciante is a good guitarist, Flea is a talented bassist.

Penguin movie looks awful, but not as bad as Hop did.

There was a time when Dumb and Dumber could have *potentially* had a successful sequel. That time is long gone, and my guess is Daniels will almost surely say "no" anyway. So now you've got Dumber without the Dumb. Way to go!


Hate's a strong word, I certainly wouldn't say that I like her though. She seems stuck up and very into herself. Fox just has a bad attitude in general. Not approachable or even friendly. She doesn't seem humble or grateful for all the things that have come her way. If she was just some girl at a bar, I'd have

I feel like it's insulting to even suggest that anyone could compare this to The Wire. While The Wire was restrained and complex as a show, The Killing is over top and direct about it's major plot lines. They might as well be slapping you across the face with the hints they explore week to week. The corruption and