
Attention everyone:

I have to admit, when this show first came out I wasn't really impressed from the commercials I had seen. But I was surprised at the quality of the writing after I started watching it. It's not cliche like most shows of this genre (huge pet peeve of mine). Great mix of fun and drama with some pretty powerful

Can't wait the day when people look back and say,
"Remember the Hangover Trilogy?" *Shutter*

Actually I shouldn't say heavily involved, but definitely involved in the process by giving his input.

I always wondered why Yoda was the most memorable character from the original Star Wars movies. Then scouring an article I found out Jim Henson was heavily involved in the creation process with Frank Oz. Everything he touched turned to gold.

Biggest fuckin' cunt ever. One of the most fake and biggest pieces of shit that was ever given a T.V. show. Also can't help but agree with the punchable face comment. I've never hit a woman in my life, but I could almost make an exception in her case.

|Necro post|

The reason difference between the U.K. and U.S.?

I don't understand the decision to keep the show on the air. Yea, I know it makes NBC a lot of money… but you have to be willing to accept the fact that Steve Carell carries the majority of the weight on that show. That's not ment to be an insult to the rest of the cast, but Carell is a key dynamic.

@ bobloblaw

Basic cable has been too expensive for way too long. I wouldn't have a shred of sympathy if Netflix put Comcast out of business. What's to stop Netflix from doing the same thing once they take over? I don't know, but let's give someone else a chance… because the people who own Comcast are some of the most greedy

Watching the video was so much more uncomfortable than reading the transcript, I wanted to turn it off but I couldn't stop watching… like a giant fucking train wreck. He saved himself midway through, and could have just shut up but no he just kept going. That was a real life Michael Scott moment.

@ Never Gonna Register

You haven't missed anything. If we're being honest… True Blood is vampire trash. It's actually not too far off from Twilight. I won't lie I was interested in the premise for a couple reasons when it first came out, something about southern redneck vampires seemed like fun. I watched a couple episodes and found it

The whole thing is an act. It's all about getting attention. We've all met people like this… they do ridiculous things when they're drunk and try and act like alcohol makes them do this, but in reality these stunts are consciously executed.

Yea I'm sorry. I understand not everyone liked Inception, but for a summer blockbuster it had an original well-executed script, something rare for a blockbuster. On the other hand Avatar is literally just a Pocahontas rip-off that James Cameron dreamt up in a wet dream.

Eh, putting Inception in a class with Avatar and Titanic is not really a fair comparison. Inception has at least a few worthy merits to make it Academy Nomination worthy, whereas having Avatar and Titanic were only in there because of sheer box office numbers. I don't think Inception is the best thing Nolan has ever

The worst part about Kid Rock fans is they always like to talk about how Kid Rock is a multi-instrumentalist.

I refuse to acknowledge any positives about the 2nd and 3rd Matrix films. Bad script, actors, and an obnoxious attempt at using a thesaurus to try and make dialogue sound more intelligent. No, sorry… The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions are nothing but bad action flicks trying to pass themselves off as something

They're a little slow today. Much like my post.