
He's the only director
insane enough to actually make it work.

@Serious Poster of Serious Posts
That's a good question. Most likely his crazy drug parties have made him forget all the things he's said in the past. In a year he'll be inviting Chuck Lorre to his coke parties as if nothing ever happened. He's totally insane.

I vote you always refer to Bradley Cooper as a Tortured Soul from now on.

You hear that? Emperor Jim is tired of hearing people say "May the 4th be with you". Everyone just fuckin' stop it! If Jim says it's gay, than it's GAY.

According to the top of the main page, Osama Bin Laden is trendy. I heard Pitch Fork gave me a 9.8 in their latest review.

I'm trying to figure out what would make one think that Quentin Tarantino would have the superior penmanship of a scholar. Was it the absurdity (awesomeness) or the brutal violence of his movies that had you expecting something more traditional like Snell Roundhand?

Obama killed Osama?
Oh my, oh my!

@ Cien Anos de Soledad OBrien
I'm fairly certain you shouldn't be admitting you know how it does go.

I'm gonna go on record as saying, I never liked Mark Wahlberg and I think the success of the fighter is largely due to Christian Bale, not Wahlberg.

Kevin Sorbo or GTFO

It's called Richard Gere.

Didn't really hear any of the fast talking you speak of. Maybe you're used to people explaining things slowly to you?

Seen everything except The Great Escape.

This is all fine and good except… the TV tab still says "TV Club" instead of just using a one word description like all the others. Being an OCD person, this drives me nuts. Please fix it.

^ Win

Fuckin' love Bryan Cranston. That is all.

I hate to say it… but Spike Lee has a point.

Just watched Restrepo a few months ago for the first time, impressive documentary. That's a dangerous business those guys are in, but still a shame.

Those of you who don't believe there are a lot of consumers who eat McDonald's every day like Spurlock did. Go to a poorer type of neighborhood and go to the McDonald's there. You will see a ton of regulars. Why? Because the dollar menu is cheaper than buying food at the grocery store, and it's already

The solution is not to change what McDonald's offers, but improve the food they're already serving. People bitch because they can't get anything healthy at McDonald's, but do they complain when they go to Five Guy's and all they can get is burgers and hot dogs? It's a fuckin' burger joint. There is one thing you