
How many oboe solos would a bonobo go to if bonobos could go to oboe solos?

Same pic as the Jeffrey Tambor interview.  That says something awesome about the show.

I personally give the episode an F.  Sure, it was great television.  Sure, it was out of the normal.  But it showed how stupid the people in this season are to the point that, though I've watched since the second season without a break, I absolutely refuse to continue through this one.

Those comments gave me notifications!

Is it really?


Edit: I do say, it appears to have double posted!

We sure do love Annie's boobs.

This has always been my favorite episode, followed by Yoko.

Community grade: F.  Yup.

I thought Arrested Development had the best ratings-grab show, with guest stars like Andy Richter and Tony Wonder, pointless 3 second 3-D stunt gag, a live episode finale, the promise of a character dying, and lines like


That scene justified the entire Ocean Walker episode, whatever faults it may have had.

oh hi @avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus .

Mr. F, the episode, was quite possibly my favorite.  The episodes around it, however, were probably the worst AD episodes, which isn't saying much since they were still hilarious.  So I mostly agree with you.  I don't agree, however, that the rest of season 3 was bad at all; past The Ocean Walker, it was wonderful.

The room references are allowed anywhere.

Pops… you blowhard.

I have read Fox in Socks as an Oral Interpretation piece before.  Reading this aloud was basically the exact same thing:

Everything above this comment.