Ropes Pierre

when i saw this i was convinced Stallone was going to become the cinematic Springsteen, speaking for the working class.

Six episodes and a movie!

I like to pretend if this were on Showtime, Britt/Angie would have doffed her top by now. it's nice to want things

Kathleen Hanna smells like teen spirit.

and if so, he should have it looked at, could be skin cancer. 

i apologize. i confused her with Ryan Adams and was yelling "Play Summer of '69! "

well i guess she is *puts on sunglasses*
too legit to quit

who run bartertown? tattooed, thug looking guys that were working the betting tables run barter town!

i was really shocked Kaitlyn Dever emerged as the talented one from a Tim Allen sitcom. i had my pension bet on JTT winning an Oscar first.

or Jay - ZZ Top

Did someone say something? i was staring at Paige's nubbins again.

i am waiting for Sonya to realize the best use of her time is to have sex with Marco. that way she can satisfy a physical need and then discuss the case afterward. seems like a great approach from a time management perspective. 

hopefully with the same smile.

(technically not sabbath but…)

Yo Drumma's so fat,he has a wooden leg with a kickstand. also it's hollow and he fills it with gravy.

“These girls, they weren’t innocent, Sarah. You should have seen what they did to me.”

the killer is obviously Lisbeth Salander. no one else has the requisite hand to hand combat AND computer hacking skills. she is throwing everyone off by wearing cowboy boots instead of combat boots.

i wonder if it turns out the kid was just drawing the "tree house in the park" and was never at any killing dumping ground, and that whole thing was a complete sanguine salmon.

except the joy felt when Holder switches from suits to hoodies. 

grammar, hung is like…"Jon Hamm is hung"