Ropes Pierre

i hope they completely lose their minds and make this a red dawn rip off
for the second season. the young of the town band together and fight the e-reps guerrilla style (or if they have those hulking bodyguards Datak used, gorilla
style. throwing coconuts, and flinging poo). i eagerly await Datak at the chain

i should have read more into that scene where Pastor Mike went to that pizza shop and ordered a Dutch pizza, with extra red herring.

if fat betty from mad men were trapped in that dome, and there was pie on
the other side, you know she would gopher her ass through it, spherical nature
be damned, faster than you can say "are you gonna finish that?"

it is this song's fault, every band coming out of brooklyn now is wearing a cravat and playing a banjo.

whenever the smart radio fat chick is on, all i can think is "i bet she gives great dome"

dating Irisa must be hard. you are plowing away, just bringing the ruckus to
that ass, she starts yelling " i can't feel my legs". you think you are bending
that shit like Beckham and she thinks her spine is severed, and it turns out to
be some kind of wacky fit and not due to your lovemaking ability. with human

it is obviously Pastor Mike, just because he looks like Nick Kroll's retarded brother.

CNN can't be out of touch, my grandmother watches it. 

i have five bucks that says Ali switches her science project from a breathalyzer that detects breast cancer to one that detects claire cancer/leukemia before the summer is over.

just like buffalo bill in the pee pee dance scene in Silence of the Lambs.

it is becoming increasingly obvious that Graceland is a biblical allegory, and either Paige or the spaghetti sauce is the Christ figure.

Could have done without seeing Alak in a diaper.

Sargent or York?

I hate these filler episodes. 

It is known. She is a member of the Illuminati, and her full name is Paula
Deen Rothschilds

As long as they keep Serinda Swan in a bikini top playing Frisbee, and shimmying under cars, this show will make it to enough episodes for syndication.