Royal Duke of Jackassery

On them.

Am I the only one who doesn't mind a little lesbian shower sharing amongst plucky new recruits to the Bahamanian Police Force?

This better be a bit post, HipsterDBag, Cuz them's fightin' words. No one - AND I MEAN NO ONE - talks that kinda shit about the star of Bachelor Party.

Crack research. You could always just … go to imdb and see that she's Scarlet Witch and the dipshit from Kick Ass 2 is Quicksilver.


Couldn't give a shit less. Game of Thrones is a boring, boring show. Boring.

Fuck The Wire. A show is not landmark if no one saw it when it was out. In this respect I agree with that show's creator. He can eat a dick.

This show is booooring. Boring. The throne in the painting looks like a toy chair thrown into a bramble. It's about as imposing as a dust bunny. Looks itchy, that's about it.

I'm trying to watch Mad Men on AMC right now. SOOO FUCKING BORING!  Right now I'm watching a skinny guy in a suit drink a highball and hit on a chick in a Jackie O dress with a slip.

Magnets, cocksucker.

I love that Tyler Perry cast Kardashian as comic relief - her line from the promos: "He's the biggest social media inventor since Zuckerberg" makes me laugh every fucking time without fail.  Tyler Perry = awesome director.

I don't know why else he would write this article other than EXTREME narcissism. As in - he's so deluded he thinks his "admissions" are going to open doors for other closeted leather dandies like himself.  I GUARANTEE he's told someone in the past week that he thinks his article will change lives.

Yeah, fuck all that.  Go ahead and heckle, damn it.  Who gives a shit?  Comedian had a bad night?  Aw no!

The end is the best: "… oh RIGHT … because you played dead …"

The end is the best: "… oh RIGHT … because you played dead …"

Damn, not bad - only missed on Best Director.  Which was the only one I really knew was going to happen the way it did.  The Academy has been waiting to give Lee an Oscar for years - Life of Pi was a mix of "Holy Shit I can't believe he got that movie made" and a midway Lifetime Achievement Award.

I believe her.

Success has made Bale's Everest movie soft.  Victory has defeated it.

Malingerer - for the sexual intercourse you need to read some GOOD books that talk about sex.  Lady Chatterly's Lover comes to mind. If Beale Street Could Talk.  The sex scene in For Whom The Bell Tolls is pretty bad ass - describing an orgasm as a feeling so intense the main character has to claw at the grass to keep

So the ad campaign is making a cop tracking down a woman for murder look like a bad guy?