Sid Lowe really does go on forever. There was one show where Jonathon Wilson was clearly miffed over how much time Sid was getting/taking.
Sid Lowe really does go on forever. There was one show where Jonathon Wilson was clearly miffed over how much time Sid was getting/taking.
"Here, I got this sexy doily for you. Do you like it? It belonged to my grandmother."
New Bret Easton Ellis with Moby this week. I used to really enjoy listening to BEE, but his constant negativity over the current state of cinema and near total adoration of 70's cinema is growing (really) tiring. I still listen, but he needs to freshen up his perspective.
Grease Me Up, Grease Me Down
Greece 2: The Search For Germany's Gold
“Both works conclude with the protagonist overcoming challenges with race relations, adapting to his professional environment, and coming to terms with his ‘blackish-ness’.” Those are basic, vague story arcs. Not exactly the kind of specificity that I would want to hang a lawsuit on.
So he won't be stuntin' like his daddy?
Unpopular opinion, but I've never been a fan of his. No matter what part he plays his performances always strike me as having this undercurrent of self-satisfaction. He comes across as being very pleased with himself. Or he's trying way too hard to be something he's not, like in The Dark Knight. But I have enjoyed…
Not sure if anyone will read this, but here goes…
It's been mentioned before, but have you ever considered a subscription model? Maybe give the subscribers extras to incentivize sign-ups and retention? I pay money for a digital NYT subscription that I never use, and would gladly pay a reasonable sum per month to make sure the AV Club thrives.
My problem with their recent exaggerated behavior is that I'm starting to question how Jimmy and Gretchen have even made it this far in life. A little bit more so Jimmy, who lives in a very nice house above the Silverlake Reservoir and drives a BMW. At least Gretchen drives a beat-to-shit car and was living in a funky…
Save water, drink beer, jeah!
My Dinner with Bondre
Never mind the Dr. Quinn boxed set, where can I get a Joe Lando wig?
This just made my morning - thanks!
Maybe they're just on a break…
I'll trade you your credit card info for my social security number.
Banksy doesn't paint with enough Blue Lines to be a member of Massive Attack.