Is your friend Axl Rose?
Is your friend Axl Rose?
My point exactly.
Always a great career idea to call-out a major studio for being cheap, especially when you're a valued position like a screenwriter.
Ooh, an extra 15 minutes? Just what every Paul Feig movie needs!
Didn't know Gibson had originally said that. It's funny that Sam thinks it's worth parroting, but not that funny that Gibson actually said that. Also, I think they namecheck Moonshadows, the bar Gibson was drinking at, in the song.
"I deserve to be blown before the Jacuzzi" is my new Instagram bio.
Do you have anything of value to add to this discussion? Or are you just looking for an opportunity to be superior?
It can be two things.
His real name is actually Adam Spiegel. [the more you know.gif]
Money well spent.
Are we sure that isn't actually shocker jewelry? Possibly from the Steven Tyler collection?
Just saw this. It's great. The dialogue works within the context/world of the film. Between the colorful side characters, expansive landscape and firearms everywhere, it makes Texas seem like a foreign country unto itself. There is one scene that's a little clunky and underlines one of the film's ideas too explicitly,…
When I was really into Nirvana back in the 90s there were a series of "Outcesticide" bootlegs that had a ton of unreleased originals, covers, live recordings that were much better than the studio version ("Drain You"), b-sides, etc. But I'm sure it's all online now.
"Folk Jam" is worth it solely for Malkmus' delivery of the line, "Irish folk tales scare the shit out of me/yeeeeaaahhh"
Really hoping those wacky kids from Hurray For Everything! can make their triumphant return to this year's half-time show.
"Love Hurts" en español.
Not sure how much safer that water is…
Yes, this movie has some dated and clunky elements, but I think it's a well-done portrait of late 90s/pre-9/11 America's sense of entitlement and self-indulgent Boomer ennui. Also, both Conrad Hall's cinematography and Thomas Newman's score are terrific.