Sex Pwnther

Recently watched The Insider again and man is that a great film. The way Mann ratchets up the tension and delivers real emotional stakes for Wigand's character is incredible. And Dante Spinotti's cinematography is excellent.

Out of the corner of my eye, I keep reading his name as Casey Blows.

My gf and I recently revisited some early episodes and they are starting to feel a little dated, especially the clothing/hair and lack of ubiquitous tech, but I think they still hold up.

Six Feet Under is one of my top three shows of all-time, so I'm excited to hear this.

This is a really inane, superficial comment, but that white tee under the black shirt is not a good look. I'm surprised he's not wearing white gym socks, too. Either wear a v-neck that doesn't show, or maybe a heather grey tee.

Watched a couple of episodes, but couldn't get into it. It feels too "written" in that all the dialogue and even plot is just setting up another bitchy put-down or reference and scenes can't breath. To mix metaphors, it's a dish with too much spice. I enjoy quippy/jokey shows like Veep, 30 Rock and Kimmy, but this one

With the blonde wig on, El bears a strong resemblance to a young Elizabeth Perkins.

Where's The Larry Sanders Show?

Guess I'll just have to go dine at Buttfucker's to watch my porn.

"Why do you smell like fire?"

Nailed it. Feig has no idea how to pace or plot a movie. He seems to think that just because he's having a great time hanging out with the cast, the audience will too and becomes too attached to scenes/bits that go on for ever.

Someone should really reboot this with a man in the lead.

"Are you the devil, Tony?"

The band is just fantastic that is really what I think, oh by the way, which one is Pink?

Panties tied to the antenna?

I thought this used to run every summer at the Castro Theater. Oh, wait…

I hate those fucking stickers. Like anyone gives a shit you've spawned.

Forget your stupid rules - we want results! Sexy, sexy results.

Pottery Barn: The Movie directed by Nancy Meyers

So you're saying they have a dedicated Suicide Hot line? (Thanks, I'll show myself out.)