Was ist die Frage?
Was ist die Frage?
I think you mean "The Headmaster Ritual."
Or like that Planet of the Apes movie.
I hope there's a scandal during the making of this, so the press can dub it Watergategate and then they cumulatively realize how lazy and stupid affixing a "gate" is to every scandal.
Billions strikes me as Showtime's version of House of Cards, and like that show, Billions seems to think that power in and of itself is inherently fascinating. And this being Showtime, it's dished up with plenty of "shocking" premium sleaze and language.
Have you seen the second ep yet? It's streaming on Showtime to go or whatever it is. Anyways, it's definitely better than the pilot and the dialogue is less overblown. I'm going to stick with it for now. But I did realize that Billions is Showtime's version of House of Cards.
She can be entertaining, but she also has a cynical, calculating, and manipulative aspect of her personalty that I find horrible.
While it was annoying that Pete got a happy ending, I think it demonstrated that no matter how loathsome he could be, Pete was always going to land on his feet because of his social class and background.
Rico on Six Feet Under: he's whiny, entitled, self-seeking, and a bit of a bigot to boot. And the less said of his extramarital plot line, the better.
Are Dave Mustain and Nancy Wilson from Heart becoming the same person?
Justine Frischmann from Elastica was my 90s crush. Liz Phair, too.
God, the dialogue in this was so bad. I know it's a pilot and there's a need to establish who people are and what's going on, but some of it was just so forced and unnatural in the service of exposition. And that's to say nothing of Malin Ackerman's threatening speech, or Giammatti's one about not goring a fresh bull,…
I guess I watched too much Mad Men and SoA (ugh, I know), so I recognized Maggie Siff's voice immediately in the opening scene and knew it was his wife, which made an extremely cliched, cringe-worthy sequence only slightly less so.
Swastika eyes!
"You eat like that, you eat like that." My friends and I still quote this to each other. Amazing sketch.
Aloha is a special type of terrible. It's like there are entire scenes missing from the film, the narrative jumps around and characters' motivations are mystifying. Sentimental, incoherent, and preposterous all at once.
I was thinking in terms of the television shows, announcements, Comic-con, etc. in addition to the movies.
I tapped out after The Winter Soldier and still haven't seen AoU. I'm burned out on the MCU - how can I get excited when you never go away?
Growing up in Southern California in the 90s, I was subjected to the putrid, derivative aural trash known as the Offspring, who I humbly nominate as one of, if not the, worst bands of all time. Most of their singles are rip-offs of a more popular, though equally meh song.
Or Filter's "Hey Man, Nice Shot."